Selection of La Habra Ground Motion Observations
The La Habra Earthquake was a well recored earthquake. We have selected a set of ground motion data for use in validation of our ground motion simulation results.
La Habra Data Sets
We have identified three sources of observational data for the La Habra Event. These are:
- StrongMotion.Org La Habra Data
- SCECDC Test Events For EEW and General Seismic Algorithm Testing
StrongMotion.Org Observations
As of 28 March, the strong site has collection of strong motion data in Cosmos format for the La Habra Mw5.1 earthquake. They also have data for an aftershock.
The [] site gives a list of years, select 2014, and they give you a list of earthquakes. Pick the lower caps, lahabra event, and you get to a selection page, giving list of station, information about the records, and information about whether there are structure recordings.
When a station is selected, the users selects processed, or unprocessed. We select processed. When we get a Zip file, it typically contains two file V2 and V3. The V2 file contains a header indicating the instrument type. For all SCSN, we see HN data, including strong motion accelerometer data. The V2 files seem to contain the time series. However, parsing is complicated because the files may contain structure response information time series as well.
After processing the event data table:
- Total of SMO stations: 347
- Total within the simulation region: 309
- Site KML Map (KML File)
- Site List (TXT File)
Based on contents of .V2 files, these Strong Motion . org data are always from accelerometer (HLX) so we will assume any CI STAT HL data is a duplicate of what we have from strong
SCEC Contributors Station Lists
- En-Jui Station List w/ Simulation Region (KML Format)
- En-Jui Station List (Text Format)
- Hercules La Habra Stations
Seismological Software Links
- MCEER Data Processing
- IRIS Software
- Orfeus Software
- GeoNet Software
- IRIS Contributed Software
- USGS Data Processing
- Seismsoft (Commercial)