Staff Priorities - David

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Revision as of 17:10, 10 September 2015 by Davidgil (talk | contribs) (→‎Yesterday)
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- Website went live, cursory testing and review
    - Fixed user profile image issues
- SCEC AM poster for UCVM
- Started looking into ztics issue for UCVM
    - Does not report error for single-core version
    - Need to see what the difference is between MPI vs. single core


- User perspective call @ 9:30am
- Work on issues identified in user perspective call
    - A few minor issues, but one or two bigger issues (like user workflow)
- Redeploy again
- Contact JY to contact EY to switch the DNS
- CME task: ztics issue for High-F
- ShakeOut tasks
    - TZ Spanish and French
    - Add tsunami question to reg forms


- No


- One call