Staff Priorities - Kevin
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- CyberShake DB call
- cataloged all services and currently installed/latest versions on opensha.usc.eud
- drupal is currently V6 which isn't as old as we had feared, might make migration easier
- ran some CyberShake hazard curve calculation benchmarks with alternative peak amplitude accessor code, did not speed up calculation
- problem doesn't seem to be with the SQL queries themselves, as execution pretty fast considering the number of curves (3.5 minutes). I think that it is an issue with multiple threads hitting the database and locking causing queries to hang
- worked on opensha exception handling with respect to some known java bugs that cause inconsequential exceptions. Now logged but ignored without prompting the user to submit a bug report
- cleared up a bunch of disk space on my laptop
- figure out bug with site amplification implementation, fix unit tests
- start planning tests/figures for CyberShake downsampling test
- start by implementing GMPE versions
- previous GMPE tests used full hazard curves which won't be applicable to our CyberShake test, need new tests (looking at rupture ground motion exceedence distributions?)
- meet with Phil/Christine
- help Ned with Java3D issues
Lower priority or longer term tasks
- Fill in missing site/rupture distances in CyberShake DB for ERF 36 (200m)
- finish mapping of historical earthquakes to UCERF3 ruptures in order to run ETAS simulations of aftershock sequences
- Wills