Staff Priorities - Kevin

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Revision as of 17:21, 18 March 2016 by Kmilner (talk | contribs)
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  • responded to CB's UGMS plot requests, everything is doable before May meeting
  • site amplification work
    • created JUnit tests for hazard curve calculations
    • worked through interpolation verification with Kioumars - major bug in his code and figures, mine was correct
    • got interpolation working in all apps, first complete draft of all functionality ready
  • set up Blue Waters account


  • site amplification work
    • finish interpolation unit tests with new test file from Kioumars
    • begin wiki documentation
    • call with Kioumars and Jon Stewart at 3pm to walk them through app, see if any other changes needed
  • RSQSim work:
    • set up wiki page on input file formats
    • try to compile on HPC





Lower priority or longer term tasks

  • once new server is finished, add page on UCERF3-TD supplement corrections and add bullet linking to it from
  • wiki page for web services