Staff Priorities - Scott

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Revision as of 22:38, 9 May 2016 by Scottcal (talk | contribs)
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  • BBP BBToolbox unit test failed on Blue Waters, will retry RC2
  • BBP acceptance tests passed
  • Workflow virtual summer school planning call, being asked to give intro
  • Submitted 2 new fwd sim tests
  • Looked into other ways of getting DOIs
  • Starting looking at potential journals for CyberShake technical papersskype:mashaliukis


  • Contact Scott Lathrop regarding Blue Waters or XSEDE accounts for UseIT
  • Compare visualization results to Daniel's viz
  • Do some prep work for UseIT meeting Monday
  • Gather metrics from Study 15.12
  • Document details of stochastic sims in Study 15.12 on wiki
  • Email Rob for justification of deterministic site amp procedure
  • Change moment DB so all tables are MyISAM
  • Get data for Morgan



  • CyberShake call at 11
  • DB call at 12

Areas of Responsibilities

  • CyberShake
  • Broadband CyberShake
  • Code migration