Accessing CyberShake Peak Acceleration Data

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This page details how to access CyberShake peak acceleration data.

CyberShake peak acceleration data comes in two forms:

  1. Geometric mean PSA (and X and Y component), at various periods.
  2. RotD50 and RotD100 PSA, at various periods, starting with Study 15.4.

The databases contain this information for the most commonly used periods.

For geometric PSA, this is 10, 5, 3, and 2 sec, with 1 sec for 1 Hz CyberShake studies, and 0.5, 0.2, and 0.1 sec for stochastic studies.

For RotD, this is 10, 7.5, 5, 4, 3, and 2 sec, with 1 sec for 1 Hz CyberShake studies, and 0.5, 0.2, and 0.1 sec for stochastic studies.

Accessing database data

To access the database PSA information, details are provided here: Accessing CyberShake Database Data.

Accessing file-based data

To access periods which are not in the database, you must read the data in from files on disk.

Using the PSA retrieval script

To help in finding PSA data, there is a Python script, /home/scec-02/cybershk/utils/, which takes the run ID, source ID, rupture ID, rupture variation ID, output file, whether you want RotD data or PSA data, and a flag to include the header information in the output. It works similarly to the seismogram retrieval script.

Finding files by hand

If for some reason you need to find files by hand, you should follow the instructions for finding seismogram files by hand, given here: Accessing_CyberShake_Seismograms#Locating_Seismogram_Files_by_Hand. For PSA files, the filename convention is PeakVals_*.bsa, and * for zipped files. We didn't start creating RotD files until Study 15.4, so all RotD files are in the 'new' format, and can be found in the /home/scec-04/tera3d/CyberShake/data/PPFiles/<site>/<runID> root.