Product Backlog - Scott

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Scott Callaghan's Project/Product Backlog

Project/Product Backlog

  • Re-insert data into focal database after upgrade
  • Extract SQLite db for Study 17.3
  • Integrate Harvard basin model into NorCal velocity model, resolving any outstanding issues with Science groups.
  • Train Kevin/Phil as alternative CyberShake operators
  • Calculate hypocenters for ERF 42 (RSQSim)
  • Populate database with ERF42 rupture variations and hypocenters
  • Generate hazard curve using RSQSim ruptures
  • Investigate improved load-balancing for DirectSynth SGT handlers
  • Experiment with OMP parallelization for post-processing
  • Modify CyberShake workflows to use Globus Online for file transfer
  • Create hazard curves for overlapping sites using modified velocity model order
  • Investigate if inconsistent grid point spacing is a result of insufficient precision, or of mixing projections
  • Investigate visualizing velocity meshes in paraview
  • Reduce the runtime of the smoothing code.

Recently Finished Items

  • Create cross-sections from mesh generated with 1) USGS Bay Area; 2) CVM-S4.26.M01; 3) CCA-06; 4) 1D background; with 10 km smoothing (2/22)
  • Create site list for Bay Area study (2/20)
  • Modify CyberShake to work on RSQSim ruptures (2/16)

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