Product Backlog - Mei

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Mei-Hui Su's Project/Product Backlog

Project/Product Backlog

  1. test UCVMC18.5 more
  2. More crossing data for Kevin, Kevin said CCA06 plot looks more fuzzier than Scott's UCVMpython generated one
  3. Compare UCVM python CCA06 with UCVM C CCA06
  4. Discuss mesh plotting Scripts with Scott Cal.
  5. Generate large (100M+ point) AWP mesh using ucvmc and ucvmp and compare meshes


  1. Doc how La Habra mesh is made with ucvm2mesh_mpi_layer,
  2. Generated various plots highlight CS17.3-H,
  3. Registered new Central California Basin Model from Havard. CS17.3-H with ELY GTL
  4. built a useable UCVMC installation on Titan, /lustre/atlas/proj-shared/geo112/ucvm_18_5/
  5. made UCVMC statically linkable and the plugin models worked as in dynamically linked UCVMC
  6. reworked logic in ucvm2mesh-mpi to have a more 'feasible' compute node requirement for very large mesh like La Habra, ucvm2mesh_mpi_layer, remember to strip result directory when running at blue waters. lfs setstripe -c 4 /path/to/working/directory
  7. extract UCVMC cs173 info for Scott's gridpoints (off alittle but okayed by Scott)
  8. reworked basin_query tests in slurm on hpc
  9. created a pull request to official UCVM-C, fix up each models that is in github -- merged into official UCVMC's dev branch
  10. Ran tests tiling cencal+cca+cvms5+bbp1d, the 1d part gets surface gtl
  11. Tiled cencal+cca(with gtl)+cvms5(with gtl)+1d tested and verified
  12. GTL for CCA06- verified by generating identical plots to CyberShake_Study_18.5
  13. Fixed plugin/dynamic loading of modules, Scott's interleaving bug, fixes for cvmsi is also needed for the plugin module. There was the missed case for left-over points in chunking/processing code, fixed that. Also the code was not setup to take more than one dynamic library
  14. Setup to run my latest UCVMC on blue water - query works but plotting scripts do not work with BW's installed default pthread library(too old, conflicting with matplotlib's pyplot from Anaconda2)
  15. Fixed segfaults flagged from a working ucvmc installation on local mac (fixed cs173_final(), cca_final()), (mac gdb installation hints:
  16. Ran basin_query_mpi on hpc with SLURM
  17. Doc projection fix on scecpedia,
  18. Add the fixed config file into CCA's github, also edits from below(pending moving to scec space):
  19. Copy the CCA06 data on scec-01/Intensity to hypocenter, change the dependency to hypocenter in the make-data script
  20. adding elygtl to CCA06
  21. new cs173 github location(pending moving to scec space):
  22. Register Scott NorCal model into UCVM
 - CS173, compare CS173 plots from ScottC with my version
  23. Doc CCA06 Crossing review,
  24. Update basin_query_mpi to return list of crossing per grid point, also return one crossing output file for each algorithm.
  25. To check projection fix, trace processing from en-jui data files to configuration files
  26. Cross section plots showing 0-10km depth through CCA06, showing velocity inversions, starting at one end of region at 5km spacing to other end of region. **No need, posted inversion plot in scecpedia**

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