CyberShake simulation specifications

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This page is to gather and document the development of a specifications file, generated by the DAX generator and consumed/augmented by workflow stages, which tracks specification information about a CyberShake run. The concept is that having this will simplify reproducibility of previous CyberShake results.

Specifications to track

This is a list of specifications to track, along with the number and type of data, and what is consumed/produced by each step.

DAX Generator


  • Timestep (in sec, 1 float)
  • Grid spacing (in meters, 1 float)
  • Deterministic frequency (in sec, 1 float)
  • Depth (in km, 1 float)
  • Rotation angle (in degrees, 1 float)
  • Run server



  • Deterministic frequency
  • Grid spacing
  • Depth
  • Rotation angle
  • Run server


  • Surface coordinates of corners of simulation volume (4 sets of double (lat, lon) coordinates in degrees)


