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Seismic Analyst Code (SAC) available through IRIS is software utitilies for processing seismic data.

Home Page

Acquiring Software

Available to approved institutional


Attached is the compressed tar file with the source code and makefiles for the SAC package, v101.4. If you requested the Cygwin distribution, the file is sac-101.4-cygwin.tar.gz, otherwise it is sac-101.4.tar.gz.

The first step is to expand that file. If your version of tar has the "z" option, you can do this in one step:

   tar -xzf sac-101.4.tar.gz


   tar -xzf sac-101.4-cygwin.tar.gz

Otherwise you must first unzip and then untar the file. One way to do this is

   gzip -d -c sac-101.4.tar.gz | tar -xf -


   gzip -d -c sac-101.4-cygwin.tar.gz | tar -xf -

The result of this operation is the creation of a subdirectory ./sac-101.4 .

If you have a problem getting to this point, reply to this message with a detailed description of your problem.

File ./sac-101.4/License, contains the terms you agreed to honor when you requested SAC software. In particular you agreed NOT TO DISTRIBUTE the SAC Software.

Instructions for building the SAC package are in file ./sac-101.4/Readme.buildsac . As noted in that file, instructions for setting environmental variables for your system are given in file ./sac-101.4/README . The information in those two files should be all you should need to get the package running on your system.

If you need help ...

1. If you have SAC working, use the online help from within SAC. 2. Some features of SAC are described in the CHANGES file in this

   directory, and changes in new versions are summarized in HISTORY.

3. URL <> has links to other resources and

   information about updates.

4. A place to share problems and find solutions is the sac-help mailing

   list: <>.  You must be a subscriber
   to post to this listerv.  For further information, go to
   URL <>.
   You do not have to be a subscriber to access the list archives.