CyberShake DOI
From SCECpedia
This page documents getting DOIs for CyberShake simulation results.
Study 22.12
Do we want to copy over the 22.12 SRFs as well?
Study 22.12 LF
We copied the following data products to DesignSafe at TACC:
- Seismogram files
- PSA files
- RotD files
- Duration files
- SQLite version of database
- Hazard curves
- Hazard maps
Study 22.12 BB
We copied the following data products to DesignSafe at TACC:
- Seismogram files
- PSA files
- RotD files
- Duration files
- SQLite version of database
- Hazard curves
- Hazard maps
- For seismogram, PSA, RotD, Duration files:
- File format description
- Sample reading code
- File naming scheme description
- Database:
- Schema
- Examples?
- CyberShake background:
- DOIs of papers
- Copy of 11NCEE paper
- Link to code?
- Description of computational requirements for this study
- maps - include readme
- curves - include readme
- disagg - include readme