Broadband Hanging Wall Simulation
Graves Hanging Wall Study
Study Specifications
This Wiki page describes the simulations that will be performed on the Broadband Platform to investigate footwall / hanging wall and directivity effects for NGA-W2. This simulation is expected to generate 205,776 3-component seismograms. Robert Graves has written a specification for a set of footwall and hanging wall simulation in this document HangingWall Specfiications 2011.
Setting Up Study Inputs and Outputs
Untar the Graves input data set:
$ tar xvf graves_hwfw_inputs.tar
Untar the Graves reference output data set:
$ tar xvf graves_hwfw_outputs.tar
Generate the three source description variations:
$ cd BBP-Runs001 $ ./gen_source_input.csh
Running Study with Broadband 11.2.2
Set ROOT_PATH (line 16) in ./BBP-Runs001/run_bbp-parallel.csh to the root directory where you untarred the input and output data sets. The line you want to edit is:
set ROOT_PATH = /home/scec-02/USER/HwFw
Ensure your BBP environment is setup according to the Broadband User Guide. Create and run the simulation workflows with this script:
$ cd BBP-Runs001 $ ./run_bbp-parallel.csh
On a dual core system, this script will require several weeks to run.
Running Study with Parallel Broadband
Ensure Parallel Broadband is setup according to the Parallel Broadband Guide.
Setup your parameterized option template file. An example:
n y 1 2 [srcfile:/home/rcf-104/patrices/test/HwFw/BBP-Runs001/hwfw_src_v00.txt] 1 2 [stafile:/home/rcf-104/patrices/test/HwFw/BBP-Runs001/hwfw_stl.txt] 1 1 y y n n
This parameterized option file will be expanded into 40 simulations. The two variables, srcfile and stafile, point to the list of 40 source descriptions and stations to be used in the simulations. Submit your batch for execution at USC HPCC with this PBS submission script:
#!/bin/bash #PBS -q nbns #PBS -l arch=x86_64,pmem=2000mb,pvmem=3000mb,walltime=10:00:00,nodes=40:ppn=4 #PBS -V #PBS -e /home/rcf-104/patrices/test/bbp_2g/tests/run_hwfw.err #PBS -o /home/rcf-104/patrices/test/bbp_2g/tests/run_hwfw.out PYTHONPATH=/home/rcf-104/patrices/test/bbp_2g/comps echo "Jobs start" date cd /home/rcf-104/patrices/test/bbp_2g/comps ./ -b HwFw_v00 -o /home/rcf-104/patrices/test/HwFw/BBP-Runs001/hwfw_bbp_options_v00.txt -c 1 -n $PBS_NODEFILE echo "Jobs end" date exit 0
Computational Estimates for Hanging Wall Problem
The Footwall/Hanging wall problem has been defined as a set of (1) ruptures, (2) variations for each rupture, (3) station list for each rupture, and (4) code-bases used. A useful metric is the total number of 3 component seismograms required to completed the problem.
36 Code base combinations in Broadband v11.2.1 Stations in Station List by rupture ------------------- Mw6.0: 105 Mw6.5: 117 Mw7.0: 163 Mw7.5: 175 Rupture Variation by magnitude ------------------- Mw6.0: 9 Mw6.5: 9 Mw7.0: 11 Mw7.5: 11 Seismograms per run (stations * variations): -------------------------------------------- Mw6.0: 105 * 9 = 945 Mw6.5: 117 * 9 = 1053 Mw7.0: 163 * 11 = 1793 Mw7.5: 175 * 11 = 1925 ------------------ Total: 5716 seismograms per problem Total Seismograms = 36*5716 = 205,776 Runtime Estimates: (6.0 40 mins, 6.5 2 hrs, 7.0 8 hrs, 7.5 34 hrs) Mw6.0: (9*36) runs *40 mins = 216 hrs Mw6.5: (9*36) runs *2 hrs = 648 hrs Mw7.0: (11*36) runs *8 hrs = 3168 hrs Mw7.5: (11*36) runs *34 hrs = 13464 hrs ------------------------------------------- Total runtime (1 core): 729 Days
Kottke Hanging Wall Study
Study Specifications
Setting Up Study Inputs
Running Study with Broadband 11.2.2
Running Study with Parallel Broadband