Broadband Platform Meeting - 7 March 2012

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SCEC Broadband Platform Development Meeting

Meeting Date

  • Date: Wednesday 7 March 2012
  • Time: 9am PST - 3pm PST

Meeting Location

  • SCEC Headquarters
  • Los Angeles California

Meeting Goals

Goals for this broadband platform meeting include:

  1. Review of current Broadband Platform Capabilities
  2. Implementation on the BB platform of new ground-motion prediction modules
    1. Zeng (via Anderson)
    2. Irikura (via Somerville)
    3. and Atkinson (via ).
  3. Improving ease of use and portability
  4. Improvement of BB computational performance.


  • Introduction and Goals (9am - 9:15) (Jordan)
  • Overview Broadband Platform (9:15am - 9:45)
  • Discussion (9:45 - 10am)
  • Review of Existing Broadband Platform Modules (10am - 11am)
    • URS (Paul Somerville/Jeff Bayless) 20 min
    • UCSB (Ralph Archuleta/Jorge Crempien) 20 min
    • SDSU (Kim Olsen) 20 min
  • Discussion (11am - 11:30am)
  • Additional Broadband Modules (11:30pm - 12:30pm)
    • Stochastic High Frequencies (Gail Atkinson - U of O)
    • High Frequency Source Module (John Anderson - UNR)
  • Lunch Break (12:30pm - 1:30pm)
  • Current Broadband Research Simulations (1:30pm - 2pm)
    • NGA-E (Albert Kottke) (15 min)
    • NGA-W (Kim Olsen) (15
  • Discussion (2pm)
  • Planned Modifications to Broadband
    • Ease of Use
    • Faster processing
  • Design of Broadband Validation Research (Luco) (3pm - 4pm)

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