Modeling Group - Event Response Plan

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The SCEC Response Site is used to co-ordinate response activities for significant earthquakes. This website has various sections for tracking significant events, institutional resources, co-ordination plans, discussions, and a user directory. SCEC researchers from Geodesy, Geology, Seismology and Model & Simulations groups involved in event resposne can discuss, co-ordinate plans, tasks and resources in response to significant earthquakes.

Each of the participating groups from Geodesy, Geology, Seismology and Model & Simulations have co-ordination plans listed on the site to be used for event response. I helped compile the co-ordination plan for the Models & Simulation Group. We are aiming to try this plan during the Great California Shakeout on October 21, 2010. The Models & Simulation Groups co-ordination plan can be found here :