Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 23:40, 4 February 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • Visited Ergonomics Department to select the chair, sent request to Deborah
  • csep-op:
    • ANSS catalog archival for 2011/08
    • Investigated 2 failures processing 2012/01/01, reprocessed OK
  • Trac ticket #302 Develop interactive results viewer application



  • Trac ticket #305 Polygon's vertex and side inclusion flags should be used to identify forecast's polygon a target event belongs to:
    • Waiting to commit changes when John installs shapely on csep-cert
  • David Rhoades sent abstract for IASPEI symposium to review, will respond
  • csep-op:
    • ANSS catalog archival for 2011/09
    • All nightly processing failed due to expired Matlab license, John is waiting for renewal by USC
  • Trac ticket #302 Develop interactive results viewer application:
    • Install csep-generic
  • Open Trac tickets:
    • 303 Process Global experiments for 2012/12: 8-17 due to network issues on csep-op server
    • 295 Diagnostics tests should be applied to time-dependent forecasts
    • 249 Diagnostics tests should support empty observation catalog

Blocked: None

Followups: None
