Staff Priorities - Fabio

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Revision as of 18:03, 19 February 2013 by Fsilva (talk | contribs)
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  • Sent KA instructions on how to run ExSim
    • Karan got results on broadband
    • Sent follow-up e-mail about other events
  • Created station lists for Japan Events
    • Station names too long, sent follow-up message to CG
  • Got updated Niigata SRC file from PS, updated package
  • Ran Tottori event on epicenter
    • Crashed because of wrong velocity model file
    • Fixed it
  • Updated vm2vm script to generate SDSU velocity model
    • with Qp and Qs, sent it to KO and RS


  • Call with CG to resolve station names
    • Update Niigata and Tottori validation packages
  • Set up broadband for RS to use on epicenter
    • needs input files to run it as SDSU and improve code
  • Start Japan events' simulations after feedback from CG
  • Make acceptance tests pass
    • Need to re-generate XML files
    • Update few scripts
  • Continue ExSim integration
    • Work on workflow generator


  • No


  • No