CVM-SCEC Improved (CVM-SI), is a 3D seismic velocity model based upon original CVM-S with changes made based on full 3D tomography inversion results.
In the current implementation of CVM-SI, the CVM-SI software combines material properties from the starting CVM-S model, with CVM-S perturbations that are a result of iterations of inversion simulations by Chen et al (2011) and Lee et al (2010).
The CVMSI query program combines the CVM-S starting model with perturbations. The goal of our cvmsi_query model is to generate high resolution velocity meshes (<100m mesh spacing) using low resolution perturbation model (500m).
The development is being done with CVM-S iteration 20 and higher. Previous CVM-SI implementations were done by combining the perturbations with the starting model directly and serving the low-resolution model. Our new approach serves the starting model at the desired resolution and modifying it based on interpolated values from the perturbation model.
'Please note"": While the perturbations span the entire CVM-S region horizontally, they are only 50km deep. As such, querying CVM-SI 20 below 50km will simply return CVM-S values.
Results from CVM-SI20
The following plots compare Vs profiles from 0 - 50km for the starting model and the CVM-SI20 final model for five sites in California.
Perturbation Models
The model is expressed as a 3D grid of 1536 x 992 x 100 cells with a grid spacing of 500 m. Query points are smoothed by interpolating the surrounding eight grid points. The four corners of the model region are:
-116.00000000000000 30.449999999999999 -122.30000000000000 34.783499999999997 -118.94748257396012 38.303452459152524 -112.51822905852465 33.781862621842393 -116.00000000000000 30.449999999999999
The map projection is a UTM zone 11 projection. The velocity model is C/Fortran code and associated files that are downloaded, compiled, and run locally. The user queries the models by creating an input file of latitude, longitude, and depth values, and the model returns Vp, Vs, and density at each of those points. This improved model has been imported into UCVM and is referenced with the model label "cvmsi".
Iteration 20 Perturbations
The VP and VP perturbation results are posted the USC computer under: ~pochen/SC_F3DT_dV_SI20/
The perturbations are separated into few files:
CVM4SI20_dV_# : # from 001~100 for perturbations at different depths
The file format is:
column 1: X column 2: Y column 3: Z column 4: longitude column 5: latitude column 6: depth (m) ; 0 is surface column 7: dVP (m/sec) ; VP of CVM4SI20 - VP of CVM4 column 8: dVS (m/sec) ; VS of CVM4SI20 - VS of CVM4
Attached a figure of waveform comparisons for Chino Hills event. In the figure, the black lines are data waveforms and the red lines are synthetic waveforms generated based on our current model. We have applied a six-pole Butterworth filter with corners at 0.02 and 0.2 Hz to both waveforms.
Few more iterations by using the scattering-integral and LSQR algorithms on the Mira. We will let you know, once we have a new model.
Download CVM-SI
CVM-SI may be checked out from SVN with these commands:
svn co
An UCVM distribution is available for download here UCVM.
- Lee, E., Chen, P., Jordan, T., & Wang, L., 2011. Rapid full‐wave centroid moment tensor (CMT) inversion in a three‐dimensional earth structure model for earthquakes in Southern California, Geophysical Journal International, 186, 311–330.
- Chen, P., Lee, E., Jordan, T. H., Maechling, P. J., Denolle, M., & Beroza, G. C., 2011, Full-3D Waveform Tomography for Southern California, 2011 SSA Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN
- Lee, E., Chen, P., Jordan, T. H., Maechling, P. J., Denolle, M., & Beroza, G. C., 2010, Full-3D Waveform Tomography for Southern California, 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA