CVM Metrics

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We measure UCVM e-tree extraction metrics using the following mesh specifications:



We have attempted extracting the above e-tree on the following computers.

Blue Waters

Software Version: UCVM 12.2.0
CVM Version: CVM-S4
Cores: 1024 (33 nodes reserved, 32 processes per node)

Job Submitted: Fri Mar 8 15:47:46 CST 2013
Job Started: Fri Mar 8 17:22:41 CST 2013
Mesh Extraction Completed: Fri Mar 8 18:19:45 CST 2013
Mesh Sort Completed: Fri Mar 8 18:20:18 CST 2013
Mesh Merge Completed: Fri Mar 8 19:01:56 CST 2013

Total time from qsub to end: 3 hours, 14 minutes
Total time from job start to end: 1 hour, 39 minutes