Staff Priorities - Fabio

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Revision as of 17:07, 16 April 2013 by Fsilva (talk | contribs)
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  • Continued working on the CSM module
    • Fixed Fortran code so that filenames are processed correctly
    • Finished Python CSM script to invoke the GF code and the simulator
    • Wrote Python code to process the output seismograms
    • Sent e-mail to JA requesting rest of the code
    • Received updated code package
  • Call with PS, CG, and PM regarding code freeze schedule
  • Call with PS, JB, regarding Irikura module
  • Talked to John Yu regarding cluster availability


  • Continue working on CSM module
    • Phone call with JA (?)
  • Continue CSM run and check if platform produces results
  • Clean older runs from epicenter, disk 80% full
  • Create response to SGS with SRC files and SRF file comparison
  • Create wiki page with BBP setup instructions for LB


  • No


  • Call with JA (?) @ TBD