Staff Priorities - David

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- UCVM2Mesh Striping Issue
    - Generated mesh successfully
- CyberShake Data Request Site
    - Worked on backend
    - Solved bugs
    - Can do entire workflow for peak amplitude data product
    - Follow-ups?
- Began work on UCVM poster abstract for CIG
- SEISM call


- CyberShake calls
- CyberShake data site
    - Finish individual run selection
    - Desired hazard curve frequency list changes if broadband site included
    - Bug fixes
    - Would bring site to alpha release
    - Perhaps follow-up with SC and PM?
- CVM-H SM Basin
    - Send off e-mail
- CVM-S4.21 work
    - Resume work on this
    - Run PS's script to implement 21st perturbations


- No


- CyberShake calls
- PM