Staff Priorities - Scott

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Revision as of 17:42, 6 May 2013 by Scottcal (talk | contribs)
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  • Blue Waters:
    • Monitored production runs
    • Started work on parallelized rupture variation generator
  • Stampede:
    • Issues over the weekend - /home disk quota exceeded, stage-in jobs failed with globus error 44, cleaned up
  • Helped with Gordon Bell paper


  • Blue Waters:
    • Monitor production runs
    • Continue work on parallelized rupture variation generator
  • Stampede:
    • Check disk usage for SGTs on /scratch, ponder approach for cleaning up to keep to agreement


  • No


  • Production walkthrough?

Check on SA forward sim Email Stampede staff, let them know about node crashing solution Finish wiki entries for Stampede and Blue Waters validation

Areas of Responsibilities

  • CyberShake 1.4
  • Broadband CyberShake
  • Code migration