Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 17:23, 5 June 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • csep-op server:
    • Data request from Alvaro Gonzalez (alarm-based one-day models):
      • Posted reprocessed missing dates for 2010 for all testing regions within SCEC testing center
      • Posted 2011-2013 data for all testing regions within SCEC testing center
  • John set up new csep-cert server:
    • Ran some acceptance tests and generated daily CA forecasts - 2-3 times faster than existing csep-cert
    • Asked John to proceed with an upgrade
  • Danijel sent Global hires forecast template description for review
    • Responded to Danijel that we may need to change CSEP to handle ~3Gb large forecasts
    • Asked Danijel to contact Phil and Tom if it's a high priority
  • TD:
    • Compiled and ran test case for Ji's model
    • Model is submitted for 9 testing regions, sent email to Rowena asking how to proceed (there is only CA region in the testing center right now)
    • Asked Ji to modify the code so testing center provides all runtime information to the model through "input" file



  • TD: Proceed with installation if Rowena and Ji respond
  • CSEP Trac tickets:
    • Acceptance tests for #311: Add support for different evaluation tests schedules within the same forecast group


  • CSEP:
    • Trac ticket #312: Add support for 30-minutes forecasts
    • M8 installation

Blocked: None Followups: None
