Staff Priorities - David

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- CVMS4.22 Evaluation
    - Tried perftools, but requires use of Cray compiler
    - Found, sort of, source of slow down
    - cvms_query given array of 10000 points is 1 second
    - for loop calling cvms_query on 10000 points is 5 seconds
    - question is why?
    - Two options - modify UCVM code or block in CVM-S?
- CVM-H Fortran API
- CyberShake call


    - Investigate curve generation issue with CS2.2
    - Other features to add?
- Send out email to group with interpolation scheme summary
- Run CVM Evaluation for CVM-S4 and CVM-S4.21 (once interpolation scheme finalized)
- Generate new CVM-S4.21 slices
- Investigate 3D velocity model visualization


- No


- No