Calling UCVM With Fortran

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Calling UCVM

Example Code

       program example

c UCVM Configuration Location

       CHARACTER(LEN=32) ucvmconf

c Model Name

       CHARACTER(LEN=4) model 

c Number of points we're passing to ucvm_query

       INTEGER pts      

c The UCVM point data structure. c coord(1) is longitude c coord(2) is latitutde c coord(3) is depth

       TYPE :: ucvm_point_t
               REAL*8 coord(3)
       END TYPE ucvm_point_t

c Generic property structure c Source is where it comes from c vp is P-wave velocity in m/s c vs is S-wave velocity in m/s c rho is density in kg/m^3

       TYPE :: ucvm_prop_t
               INTEGER source
               REAL*8 vp
               REAL*8 vs
               REAL*8 rho
       END TYPE ucvm_prop_t

c Returned data structure

       TYPE :: ucvm_data_t
               REAL*8 surf
               REAL*8 vs30
               REAL*8 depth
               INTEGER domain
               REAL*8 shift_cr
               REAL*8 shift_gtl
               type(ucvm_prop_t) crust
               type(ucvm_prop_t) gtl
               type(ucvm_prop_t) cmb
       END TYPE ucvm_data_t

c For our example we'll query five points

       type(ucvm_point_t) point(5)

c And we'll get back five sets of material properties

       type(ucvm_data_t) returnData(5)

c Number of points is 5.

       pts = 5

c We'll start at -118, 34 at 0 depth and go down by 1000m c each step

       do 10 i = 1, 5
               point(i)%coord(1) = -118
               point(i)%coord(2) = 34

10 point(i)%coord(3) = (i - 1) * 1000

c Where is our configuration file?

       ucvmconf = "/home/scec-01/davidgil/ucvm.conf"

c What model are we querying?

       model = "cvms"

c Initialize UCVM

       call ucvm_init(ucvmconf)

c Add the model to UCVM

       call ucvm_add_model(model)

c Query the model. Note that the number of points is passed c by value, not reference.

       call ucvm_query(%VAL(pts), point, returnData)
       print *, model, " results for lon -118, lat 34"

c Print out the results.

       do 20 i = 1, 5
               print *, "Depth ", (i - 1) * 1000
               print *, "Vs ", returnData(i)%crust%vs 
               print *, "Vp ", returnData(i)%crust%vp 
               print *, "Rho ", returnData(i)%crust%rho

20 continue

c Close UCVM now that we've queried the points

       call ucvm_finalize()