Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 23:09, 24 July 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • Registered for the SCEC annual meeting
  • EEW:
    • Based on Phil's response, added 'deleted' messages as false alerts for new 'FalseAlerts' evaluation test
    • Installed latest CSEP version on eew-cert image, asked John to set up publishing directory


  • TD: Update TPO model to generate lower resolution images on operational image (last night on certification images was OK)
  • EEW:
    • Run retrospectively 'FalseAlerts' evaluation test since September 2011 on eew-cert
  • CSEP status meeting at noon
    • Post meeting minutes
  • CSEP: continue on Trac ticket #312: "Add support for 30-minutes forecasts" if there is time left after EEW


  • CSEP:
    • M8 installation

Blocked: None

Followups: None
