Staff Priorities - Phil

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Revision as of 23:19, 21 March 2014 by Maechlin (talk | contribs)
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  • BBP Call
  • UCVM Code Review
  • Mira Access


  • Call with CG (1030am)
  • Call with RP (3pm)
  • Arrange Travel to XAB
  • Travel to BW


  • No


  • CSEP Storage Purchase
  • Paper Planning


  • Create Storage Map for SCEC Storage (SC)
  • Slides for THJ CISE meeting
  • Tech Paper Development
    • XTREME scaling
    • XSEDE Atlanta
    • BBP
  • Setup license meeting with Stevens USC
  • FW ABF into CME codebase
  • Find images from CMU of circular GTL structures
  • Security Discussion with SC
  • Backup strategy with group
  • Updated BBP and UCVM required docs to include "known problems" file