Allam CVM
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The ABZ2015 (Allam, Ben-Zion, and Zigone 2015) velocity model in two different format (.mat and ascii):
The model files combines Dimitri's model, ABZ2012, Allam et al., 2014, and the SCEC CVMH. Dimitri's model dominates the top few km, and the SCEC model dominates the edges and depths >25km. Where there is overlap, I've done progressive weighted averages going from one model to the next. The grid spacing is a uniform 1km. My focus was to remove horrible artificial interfaces so that this can be used effectively in wave propagation studies.
- The ascii file has this format:
lon lat depth Vp Vs
In an effort to achieve more transparency, the .mat file is a structure with many additonal fields, including the CVMH model, Allam & Ben-Zion 2012, and Dimitri's model referenced in the same region. Here are the fields:
- ABZ2015 =
- Vp: [252x273x51 double] - combined model Vp
- Vs: [252x273x51 double] - combined model Vs
- cvmh: [1x1 struct] - SCEC CVMH v11.9.0 including Vp, Vs, AND Density
- Zigone: [1x1 struct] - Zigone's Vs model
- abz2012: [1x1 struct] - Allam & Ben-Zion 2012, including Vp and Vs
- coords: [1x1 struct] - UTM, lon/lat and depth matrices, and axis vectors
This loads easily into matlab:
- load ABZ2015.mat
- pcolor(ABZ2015.coords.qx,ABZ2015.coords.qy,ABZ2015.abz2012.Vp(:,:,5));shading flat;axis equal
The matrices are all the same size (except for the axis vectors). The abz2012 and Zigone models span the complete area, but contain NaNs anywhere that is unresolved. It is possible to remove the Zigone and abz2012 models from this structure.