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The general philosophy is that the file type should be human readable and easy to use for both researchers and developers. We should support multiple readers to ingest various catalog formats into the PyCSEP codebase.

The catalog will initially be defined as an ASCII .csv format where each row corresponds to a single event. This file will have the following headers:

longitude, latitude, M, epoch_time (time in millisecond since Unix epoch in GMT), depth, catalog_id

longitude: longitude in decimal degrees [-180,180]
latitude: latitude in decimal degrees [-90,90]
M: magnitude arbitrary units
epoch_time: time in milliseconds since unix epoch [-inf, inf]
depth: hypocenter depth in (km) [0, inf]
catalog_id: indicates type of catalog

  • observed: -1
  • simulated: [0,n_cat-1]

This format can be easily extended to additional file types, including more advanced storage types like HDF5 or databases.

Example Catalog

-117.43017,35.616665,4.73,1562383355630,9.35,-1 -117.7365,35.891,4.64,1562383368300,9.1,-1 -117.617836,35.803165,4.84,1562383430720,11.44,-1 -117.67083,35.86067,4.61,1562383527970,10.32,-1 -117.52167,35.55517,4.68,1562386024570,5.64,-1 -117.58083,35.777668,3.85,1562386249040,10.41,-1 -117.69067,35.902332,3.83,1562386262210,7.27,-1 -117.72283,35.887333,3.87,1562386338850,9.17,-1 -117.6145,35.584667,4.8,1562386387080,9.73,-1 -117.402664,35.604168,3.84,1562386460800,6.72,-1 -117.49067,35.6795,3.74,1562386471370,0.91,-1 -117.68483,35.910168,5.44,1562386735790,7.41,-1 -117.6175,35.785,4.49,1562386755470,10.6,-1 -117.717,35.885,3.83,1562386794940,4.9,-1