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We are using jupyter notebook developed by Liz Hearn to calculate CTM values at points defined for the GFM.

GFM Points

AP has created a discretized version of the GFM. The coverage region for the GFM is similar to the CVM-H GTL coverage region. Corner points from the GFM grid are listed below.

The resolution of the GFM 3D voxel data set is 10km x 10km x 1km (depth).

Each level of the GFM has 8256 points, and the depth goes from -100km to +4km (8256 x 105 = 866880) points.

A CSV file that defines the GFM region types for each of these points is posted here:

The points in this file use the CVM-H convention of elevation relative to sea level in meter, with positive values above sea level, and negative values depth below sea level.

GFM Region Definitions

Corner Points from GFM file:

-122.681200, 29.709900 -123.205500, 37.335600 -112.481200, 37.412300  -112.864200, 29.767300

KML file showing model coverage regions

Heatflow Region IDs and Names

ID's for the 14 original CTM heat flow regions, from Thatcher and Chapman (2020):
1 WBR (Western Basin and Range)
2 SN (Sierra Nevada)
3 CCR (Central Coast Ranges)
4 PR (Peninsular Ranges)
5 ST (Outer Salton Trough, aka oST)
6 WTR (Western Transverse Ranges)
7 LA (Los Angeles)
8 SG (San Gabriels)
9 MD (Mojave Desert)
10 GV (Great Valley)
11 ETR (Eastern Transverse Ranges)
12 iST (Inner Salton Trough, also called STi5 in some files)
13 iCB (Inner Continental Borderland)
14 VB (Ventura Basin)

(the following were added to expand CTM region to cover the Geologic Framework region)
15 Ocean
16 CCR extension
17 GV extension
18 SN extension
19 WBR extension
20 ST extension
21 PR extension

Google Pages

Google Colab notebook: CTM_tools.ipynb

files used by the query code:

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