CyberShake 1.2

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CyberShake 1.2 introduces the use of CyberShake hazard curves using CVM-H v11.2. This requires recalculation of the SGTs.

CyberShake 1.1 introduced a second generation rupture generator to the CyberShake calculation. Now, when we compare CyberShake hazard curves to one another, we must define both the CVM used (CVM-S4 or CVM-H), and which rupture set was used (CyberShake 1.0 or CyberShake 1.1).

The following curves compare CyberShake hazard curves that both use the CyberShake 1.1 rupture set. The differences between the curves are attributed to only the different CVM's used.

Dual Comparison Results

black = CVM-H curve

gray = CVM-4 comparison curve

blue = Campbell & Borzorgnia (2008)

green = Boore & Atkinson (2008)

yellow = Chiou & Youngs (2008)

cyan = Abrahamson & Silva (2008)

Site Run ID Rupture Variation 3s SA curve Comparison curve with CVM-4
USC 778 4
USC ERF35 Run778 SA 3sec 03 10 2011.png
USC ERF35 Run778 CompToRun747 SA 3sec 03 10 2011.png
WNGC 781 4
WNGC ERF35 Run781 SA 3sec 03 21 2011.png
WNGC ERF35 Run781 CompToRun751 SA 3sec 03 21 2011.png
SBSM 782 4
SBSM ERF35 Run782 SA 3sec 03 21 2011.png
SBSM ERF35 Run782 CompToRun753 SA 3sec 03 21 2011.png
MBRD 783 4
MBRD ERF35 Run783 SA 3sec 03 21 2011.png
MBRD ERF35 Run783 CompToRun760 SA 3sec 03 21 2011.png
PACI 784 4
PACI ERF35 Run784 SA 3sec 03 24 2011.png
PACI ERF35 Run784 CompToRun764 SA 3sec 03 24 2011.png
PAS 785 4
PAS ERF35 Run785 SA 3sec 04 07 2011.png
PAS ERF35 Run785 CompToRun748 SA 3sec 04 07 2011.png
STNI 786 4
STNI ERF35 Run786 SA 3sec 03 25 2011.png
STNI ERF35 Run786 CompToRun790 SA 3sec 03 25 2011.png

Quad Comparison Results

black with circles = CVM-4 curve, old rupture variations

gray with circles = CVM-4 curve, new rupture variations

gray with triangles = CVM-H curve, old rupture variations

gray line = CVM-H curve, new rupture variations

blue = Campbell & Borzorgnia (2008)

green = Boore & Atkinson (2008)

yellow = Chiou & Youngs (2008)

cyan = Abrahamson & Silva (2008)

Site Run IDs Comparison curve
s758 (near San Onofre) 576, 789, 795, 788
S758 ERF35 Run576 CompToRun789-795-788 SA 3sec 09 03 2009.png