CyberShake Study Database Archiving

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The following procedure should be used when we want to archive a study which is either in the production or data access database to disk, to free up room in the database.

First, dump the old database contents:

  1. Determine the Study ID you want to archive, from looking at the Studies table in the DB:
 select * from Studies;
  1. Dump the PeakAmplitudes, using:
 mysqldump --lock-all-tables --where 'Run_ID in (select R.Run_ID from CyberShake_Runs R where R.Study_ID=<study id to archive>)' CyberShake PeakAmplitudes > peak_amps.sql
  1. Dump Hazard_Datasets, using:
 mysqldump --lock-all-tables --where 'Study_ID=<study id to archive>' CyberShake Hazard_Datasets > hazard_datasets.sql
  1. Dump Hazard_Curves, using:
 mysqldump --lock-all-tables --where 'Hazard_Dataset_ID in (select D.Hazard_Dataset_ID from Hazard_Datasets D where D.Study_ID=<study id to archive>)' CyberShake Hazard_Curves > hazard_curves.sql
  1. Dump Hazard_Curve_Points, using:
 mysqldump --lock-all-tables --where 'Hazard_Curve_ID in (select C.Hazard_Curve_ID from Hazard_Curves C, Hazard_Datasets D where D.Study_ID=

<study id to archive>)' CyberShake Hazard_Curve_Points > hazard_curve_points.sql

  1. Dump CyberShake_Runs, using:
 mysqldump --lock-all-tables --where 'Study_ID=<study id to archive>' CyberShake CyberShake_Runs > runs.sql
  1. Dump all of the input tables -- they are small enough that we don't mind capturing data which wasn't directly used in this study.
 mysqldump CyberShake AR_Hazard_Curve_Points AR_Hazard_Curves AR_Hazard_Datasets Atten_Rel_Metadata Atten_Rels CyberShake_Site_Regions CyberShake_Site_Ruptures CyberShake_Site_Types CyberShake_Sites ERF_IDs ERF_Metadata ERF_Probability_Models IM_Types Points Rupture_Variation_Probability_Modifier Rupture_Variation_Scenario_IDs Rupture_Variation_Scenario_Metadata Rupture_Variations Ruptures SGT_Variation_IDs SGT_Variation_Metadata Studies Time_Spans Velocity_Models > input_tables.sql

Next, convert the SQL dumps into SQLite format using mysql2sqlite:

  1. For each of the 6 dump files, run:
 mysql2sqlite <SQL dump file> > <SQLite dump file>
 Example:  ./mysql2sqlite peak_amps.sql > peak_amps.sqlite

For large tables this may take an hour or two.

Create a SQLite database and import the tables. Use sqlite3 3.7.11 or later, or there will be an error reading the dump files.

  1. Create a database for this study:
 sqlite3 <study name>
  1. For each dump file, run the following command:
 .read <path/to/dump/file.sqlite>