Github API examples

From SCECpedia
Revision as of 02:24, 14 May 2019 by Maechlin (talk | contribs)
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SCEC hosts several open-source codes on github. Below are examples of using the github REST api to get information about these codes. These give examples of the owner and repo values that work in the github API.

curl -i

Info about BBP repo

maechlin ~$ curl
    "url": "",
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    "name": "17.3.0",
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    "author": {
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    "tarball_url": "",
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    "body": "### Broadband Platform 17.3.0\r\n\r\nThis full release of the Broadband Platform includes the following features and bug fixes. Below is a summary of the improvements and modifications includes in this release of the Broadband Platform.\r\n\r\n#### Method Updates\r\n\r\n* Added the Irikura Recipe Method 1 simulation method to the Broadband Platform. It includes a new rupture generator module developed by Arben Pitarka to generate a SRF file. Then, it uses the GP method wave propagation codes to generate low- and high-frequency seismograms.\r\n\r\n* Updated GP rupture generator code to genslip-5.2.2. This new version of genslip accepts three new parameters used for the simulation of multi-segment ruptures, where time series can be generated segment by segment and then added together before post-processing is done.\r\n\r\n* Updated GP module to improve the merging of low- and high-frequency seismograms.\r\n\r\n#### General Improvements\r\n\r\n* Added a FAS calculation module to the Platform. Work contributed by Jeff Bayless using David Boore's 'smc2fs2' and 'asc2smc' codes. The FAS module produces per-station plots with both N/S and E/W components, along with the smoothed EAS (effective amplitude spectrum) of the two horizontal components.\r\n\r\n* Included the calculation of zeta parameter in the RZZ2015 module.\r\n\r\n* Added the Central United States simulation region, contributed by Mehrdad Hosseini and Paul Somerville. This includes a new set of Green's functions, calculated up to 1800km.\r\n\r\n* Fixed issue in the Anderson GoF and RZZ2015 codes that was causing time series to not align correctly. Thanks to Kim Olsen and Rumi Takedatsu for reporting this bug.\r\n\r\n* Added two new scripts: '' and '' to the utils/misc directory. These scripts can be used to combine time series from a number of separately-calculated segments, allowing for a multi-segment rupture to be simulated.\r\n\r\n#### Cluster Improvements\r\n\r\n* and include option for user to override default walltime. This allows users to specify a short walltime if they know a job will run quickly, allowing the job to be potentially quickly scheduled by PBS.\r\n\r\n* Added a '-s' option to both and to enable the use of the site response module. Currently only the GP site response module is supported (it is used for all methods).\r\n\r\n* Several modifications to the cluster scripts to enable multi-segment ruptures to be simulated. Added a '--segment' option to specify the segment number, a '--variation' option to enable the use of different sets of random seeds in the cluster. Also added a '--firstsegment' option to enable the scripts to find the first segment of a multi-segment run so that common seeds can be used for certain parameters across multiple segments (used by the GP method).\r\n\r\n* Cluster scripts now save metadata file on top-level simulation directory including all command-line options used to generate the cluster simulation. This is useful to track simulation parameters.\r\n\r\n* Added two scripts, '' and '' to the utils/batch directory. These scripts work similarly to the ones in utils/misc but can be used to calculate multi-segment runs using segments calculated on the cluster."

All SCECcode repos

maechlin ~$ curl
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