Product Backlog - William

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William Savran's Project/Product Backlog

Product Backlog

  1. research and develop new techniques for the rigorous statistical evaluation of stochastic event sets
  2. reprocess missing one-day forecasts/evaluations identified from csep_db
  3. provide open source codes for CSEP1 evaluations to begin modularizing current CSEP1 codebase
  4. create archived csep1 data set containing all data and meta-data from csep operational servers and provide to the community
  5. benchmark u3etas on JetStream for XSEDE 2019 allocation request showing storage and computational requirements
  6. run 1-year u3etas and no-faultsETAS simulations from start of >Mw 2.5 catalog (~1985) until current day to provide data set for applying csep2 evaluations on stochastic event sets
  7. prototype tests of forecast of finite-ruptures, for example, in the ground motion domain
  8. develop a protocol to accept external forecasts for CSEP testing
  9. develop plan to ensure the continued prospective testing of csep1 models
  10. develop blueprint to describe how to implement current csep1 prospective testing into csep2

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