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Examples of recent SCEC/CME publications:

[1] Bielak, J., R.W. Graves, K.B. Olsen, R. Taborda, L. Ramírez-Guzmán, S.M. Day, G.P. Ely, D. Roten, T.H. Jordan, P.J. Maechling, J. Urbanic, Y. Cui, G. Juve, “The ShakeOut earthquake scenario: Verification of three simulation sets,” Geophysical Journal International  doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04417x, 2009.

[2] Callaghan, Scott, Ewa Deelman, Dan Gunter, Gideon Juve, Philip Maechling, Christopher Brooks, Karan Vahi, Kevin Milner, Robert Graves, Edward Field, David Okaya, Thomas Jordan (2010), Scaling up workflow-based applications, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 76:6, pp. 428-446,September 2010

[3] Chen, P., Jordan T. H., and Lee, E.J. (2010) Perturbation Kernels for Generalized Seismological Data Functionals (GSDF), Geophysical Journal International, 183, 869-883, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04758.x

[4] Chen, P., Jordan T. H., and Zhou, L. (2010) Resolving fault plane ambiguity for small earthquakes, Geophysical Journal International, 181, 493-501, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04515.x

5.	Cruz-Atienza, V.M., and K.B. Olsen, K.B. (2010). Supershear Mach-waves expose the fault breakdown slip, Tectonophysics , pp 1-12, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.05.012

6.	Cui, Y., Olsen, K. B., Jordan, T. H., Lee, K.,  Zhou, J., Small, P., Roten, D., Ely, G., Panda, D. K., Chourasia, A., Levesque, J., Day, S. M., and Maechling, P. (2010) Scalable Earthquake Simulation on Petascale Supercomputers. In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, doi=10.1109/SC.2010.45 (SC10 Gordon Bell Finalist)

7.	Cui, Y., Chourasia, A., Moore, R., Olsen, K., Maechling, P., Jordan, T., The TeraShake Computational Platform, Advances in Geocomputing, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 119, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-85879-9_7, pp229-278, editor H. Xing, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

8.	Cruz-Atienza, V.M., K.B. Olsen, and L.A. Dalguer (2009). Estimation of the breakdown slip from strong-motion seismograms: insights from numerical experiments Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 9, 3454-3469, doi:10.1785/0120080330

9.	Dalguer, L.A., and S.M. Day (2009). Asymmetric rupture of large aspect-ratio faults at bimaterial interface in 3D, Geophys. Res. Lett. , Vol. 36, L23307, doi:10.1029/2009GL040303

10.	Doser, D.I., K.B. Olsen, F.F. Pollitz, R.S. Stein, and S. Toda (2009). The 1911 M~6.6 Calaveras earthquake: Source parameters and the role of static, viscoelastic and dynamic Coulomb stress changes imparted by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 99, 1746-1759.

11.	Ely, G. P., S. M. Day, and J.-B. Minster (2010), Dynamic rupture models for the southern San Andreas fault, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. , Vol. 100, pp. 131-150, doi: 10.1785/0120090187

12.	Ely, G. P., S. M. Day, and J.-B. Minster (2009), A support-operator method for 3D rupture dynamics, Geophys. J. Int., 177(3), 1140-1150, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04117.x.

13.	Graves, R.W., Pitarka, A. (2010) Broadband ground-motion simulation using a hybrid approach Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (October 2010), 100(5A):2095-2123, doi:10.1785/0120100057

14.	Graves, R. W., B. T. Aagaard, and K. W. Hudnut (2010).  The ShakeOut Earthquake source and ground motion simulations, Earthquake Spectra, in press.

15.	Graves, R., T. Jordan; S. Callaghan; E. Deelman; E. Field; G. Juve; C. Kesselman; P. Maechling; G. Mehta; K. Milner; D. Okaya; P. Small; and K. Vahi (2010). CyberShake: A Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Model for Southern California, Pure Applied Geophys., May 2010

16.	Harris, R. A., Barall, M., Archuleta, R., Dunham, E., Aagaard, B., Ampuero, J. P., Bhat, H., Cruz-Atienza, V., Dalguer, L., Dawson, P., Day, S., Duan, B., Ely, G., Kaneko, Y., Kase, Y., Lapusta, N., Liu, Y., Ma, S., Oglesby, D., Olsen, K., Pitarka, A., Song, S., Templeton, E. (2009) The SCEC/USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise, Seismological Research Letters Vol. 80, p. 119-126

17.	Juve, G., Deelman, E., Vahi, K., Mehta, G. (2010) Experiences with Resource Provisioning for Scientific Workflows Using Corral, Scientific Programming, 18:2, pp. 77-92, April 2010

18.	Juve, G., Ewa Deelman, E., Vahi, K., Mehta, g., Berriman, B., Berman, B. P., Maechling, P. (2010), Data Sharing Options for Scientific Workflows on Amazon EC2, 22nd IEEE/ACM Conference on Supercomputing (SC10), New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2010

19.	Juve, G., Ewa Deelman, E., Vahi, K., Mehta, g., Berriman, B., Berman, B. P., Maechling, P. (2010): Scientific Workflow Applications on Amazon EC2 CoRR abs/1005.2718: (2010)

20.	Juve, G., Ewa Deelman, E., Vahi, K., Mehta, g., Berriman, B., Berman, B. P., Maechling, P. (2010) Data Sharing Options for Scientific Workflows on Amazon EC2 CoRR abs/1010.4822: (2010)

21.	Lee, K., Cui, Y., Maechling, P., Olsen, K. and Jordan, T., Communication Optimizations of SCEC AWP-Olsen Application for Petascale Computing (accept, Supercomputing 09, Portland, 2009; Lee, K., Cui, Y., Kaiser, T., Maechling, P., Olsen, K. and Jordan, T., IO Optimizations of SCEC AWP-Olsen Application for Petascale Earthquake Computing (both FINALISTS of Best Posters), SC09, Portland, 2009. 

22.	Maechling, P., E. Deelman, Y. Cui (2009), Implementing Software Acceptance Tests as Scientific Workflows, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, July 13-17, 2009, 2 Volumes. CSREA Press 2009, ISBN 1-60132-123-6, pp. 317-323

23.	Mai, P.M., W. Imperatori, and K.B. Olsen (2010). Hybrid broadband ground-motion simulations: combining long-period deterministic synthetics with high-frequency multiple S-to-S back-scattering, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 100, 5A, 2124-2142

24.	Mena, B., P.M. Mai, K.B. Olsen, M.D. Purvance, and J.N. Brune (2010). Hybrid broadband ground motion simulation using scattering Green's functions: application to large magnitude events, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 100, 5A, 2143-2162

25.	Moczo, P., J Kristek, P Franek, E Chalub, PY Bard, S Tsune, F Hollender, T Iwata, A Iwaki, E Priolo, P Klin, S Aoi, C Mariotti, J Bielak, R Taborda, H Karaoglu, V Etienne, J Virieux (2010), Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Ground Motion in the Mygdonian Basin, Greece: Verification of the 3D Numerical Methods, Proc. of the Annual Meeting of the Seis. Soc. of America.

26.	Olsen, K.B., and J.E. Mayhew (2010). Goodness-of-fit Criteria for Broadband Synthetic Seismograms, With Application to the 2008 Mw5.4 Chino Hills, CA, Earthquake, Seism. Res. Lett. 81 , 715-723 

27.	Olsen, K.B., and G. Ely (2009). WebSims: A Web-based System for Storage, Visualization, and Dissemination of Earthquake Ground Motion Simulations, Seismol. Res. Lett. 80, 1002-1007, doi:10.1785/gssrl.80.6.1002

28.	Olsen, K. B., Dalguer, L., Day, S., Cui, Y., Zhu, J., Cruz, V.M., Roten, D., Mayhew, J., Maechling, P., Jordan, T., Chourasia, A. and Okaya, D. ShakeOut-D: Ground Motion Estimates Using an Ensemble of Large Earthquakes on the Southern San Andreas Fault With Spontaneous Rupture Propagation, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2008GL036832, in press, 2009. 

29.	Pitarka, A., L.A. Dalguer, S.M. Day, P. Somerville, and K. Dan (2009). Numerical study of ground motion differences between buried and surface-rupturing earthquakes, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. , Vol. 99, 1521-1537, doi: 10.1785/0120080193

30.	Rojas, O., E. Dunham, S.M. Day, L.A. Dalguer, and J.E. Castillo (2009). Finite difference modeling of rupture propagation with strong velocity-weakening friction, Geophys. J. Int. , Vol. 179, 1831-1858, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04387.x

31.	Taborda, R., J. López, H. Karaoglu, J. Urbanic and J. Bielak (2010), Speeding Up Wave Propagation for Large-Scale Earthquake Simulations, Proceedings of the SC10 International Conference for HPC, Networking and Analysis. (Submitted for publication).