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Line 316: Line 316:
! Model
! Model
! Type
! Type
! Active Limit
| cvmh
| cvmh
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| 1
| cvms
| cvms
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| 1
| cencal
| cencal
| USGS Bay Area CenCalVM
| USGS Bay Area CenCalVM
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| 1
| cvmsi
| cvmsi
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| 1
| wfcvm
| wfcvm
| Wasatch Front CVM (Utah)
| Wasatch Front CVM (Utah)
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| External, installed separately and linked at install
| 1
| 1d
| 1d
| Hadley-Kanamori 1D
| Hadley-Kanamori 1D
| Internal, included in UCVM and automatically linked
| Internal, included in UCVM and automatically linked
| 1
| lin-thurber
| lin-thurber
| Lin-Thurber California Statewide
| Lin-Thurber California Statewide
| Internal, included in UCVM and automatically linked
| Internal, included in UCVM and automatically linked
| 1
| cmrg
| cmrg
| Cape Mendocino Rob Graves
| Cape Mendocino Rob Graves
| Internal, included in UCVM and automatically linked
| Internal, included in UCVM and automatically linked
| 1
There are also two special standard model interfaces that support reading SCEC CVM Etrees and SCEC Patch Models. These are model files that conform to specific format conventions: a special schema and metadata format for the Etrees, and a special conf and binary format for patches. Since these models are standardized, the user may create their own models in these formats and import them into UCVM.
Whereas only one version of the predefined models may be active at any given time, up to 100 etrees and patches may be read into UCVM through these model interfaces. Thus, multiple version of the same model may be available for querying, or several different models may be combined into a composite model through the query interface. Etrees and patches are defined by the user in the UCVM configuration file (see [[UCVM_User_Guide#Adding_a_User-defined_Velocity_Model]]).
The model interfaces are summarized in the following table:
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Interface
! Description
! Active Limit
| model_etree
| SCEC CVM Etree
| 100
| model_patch
| SCEC Patch Model
| 100

Revision as of 18:53, 19 August 2011


UCVM is a software framework for creating and distributing a state-wide California velocity model.


The system requirements are as follows:

  1. UNIX operating system (Linux, Solaris, MacOS)
  2. GNU gcc/gfortran compilers (MPI wrappers such as mpicc are OK)
  3. tar for opening the compressed files
  4. Euclid Etree library Euclid Etree
  5. Proj.4 projection library Proj.4



  1. Start at SCEC website: http://scec.usc.edu/scecpedia/UCVM
  2. Navigate to the Downloads section of the UCVM web page.
  3. Click the download link to download the latest source code distribution file and any listed dependencies. This is typically posted as a tar and gzipped file (tgz format). The source code distribution file is large (280 Mb), so the download make take awhile.

CheckSum Test

Not currently implemented.

Basic Install

The general steps for installing UCVM are:

  1. Install Etree and Proj.4 packages
  2. Install one or more velocity models
  3. Define environment variables describing where Etree/Proj.4/models are located
  4. Run the UCVM installer

First, install the Etree and Proj.4 packages which are required by UCVM. The INSTALL/README instructions in each distribution describe how to install them, but generally:

For the Euclid Etree library:

% tar xvf euclid-latest.tar
% cd ./euclide-3.12/libsrc
% make all

If installing the Etree library on a Lustre filesystem (NICS Kraken, TACC Ranger, NCCS Jaguar), you must enable IOBUF. Please see Cvmbycols#Technical_Note_for_Lustre_Filesystems for special installation instructions.

For the Proj.4 library:

% tar xvf proj-4.7.0.tar
% cd proj-4.7.0
% ./configure --prefix=<your desired install directory>
% make; make install

Be sure to note where you installed these two packages. You will need this information later in the installation process.

Then, install the velocity models that you wish to use with UCVM. Ensure they are compiled with gcc/gfortran.

For the SCEC CVM-H model:

% tar xvf cvmh-11.9.0.tgz
% cd cvmh
% make all

For the SCEC CVM-S model:

% tar xvf cvms-11.9.0.tgz
% cd cvms/src
% make all

Again, be sure to note where you installed the community velocity models.

Declare environment variables with the paths to the Etree library, Proj.4 library, and velocity models that you previously installed.

ETREE_DIR=<Etree install path>
PROJ4_DIR=<Proj.4 install path>
CVMH_DIR=<CVM-H install path>
CVMS_DIR=<CVM-S install path>

In a bash shell, for example, the ETREE_DIR environment variable can be declared with the command:

% ETREE_DIR=/opt/etree;export ETREE_DIR

In a csh shell:

% setenv ETREE_DIR /opt/etree

Now unpack the UCVM software distribution:

% tar zxvf ucvm-11.9.0.tar.gz

The build configuration differs slightly depending on where you wish to run UCVM. On a standard Linux system with gcc, run the following commands to build the software with CVM-H and CVM-S enabled:

% cd ucvm-11.9.0
% ./configure --prefix=${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR} --with-etree-include-path="${ETREE_DIR}/libsrc" 
--with-etree-lib-path="${ETREE_DIR}/libsrc" --with-proj4-include-path="${PROJ4_DIR}/include" 
--with-proj4-lib-path="${PROJ4_DIR}/lib" --with-cvmh-include-path="${CVMH_DIR}/include" --with-cvmh-lib-path="${CVMH_DIR}/lib" 
--with-gctpc-lib-path="${CVMH_DIR}/gctpc/lib" --with-cvms-include-path="${CVMS_DIR}/include" --with-cvms-lib-path="${CVMS_DIR}/lib" 
--with-cvmh-model-path="${CVMH_DIR}/bin" --with-cvms-model-path="${CVMS_DIR}/src"
% make

Where "${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}" is the target install directory of your choice. You may define it as an enviroment variable or just specify it directly as the argument to prefix. The above example used CVM-H and CVM-S but any of the following models may be enabled: SCEC CVM-H, SCEC CVM-S, SCEC CVM-SI, USGS CenCalVM, and WFCVM. For each velocity model you want to use, the configure script needs to know where to find the velocity model's library files (.a or .so), header files (.h), and model files so that they can be linked into UCVM.

Check that the package was built correctly with the following command:

% make check

Verify that all unit tests and acceptance tests pass.

Install the software to the desired target location with the following command:

% make install

A full list of supported standard velocity models and options can be listed with the command

% ./configure --help

Advanced Install

Additional options must be passed to the ./configure script on a more exotic Linux system, such as a host that requires static linking (NICS Kraken), or has a Lustre high-performace filesystem (TACC Ranger). The following example shows how to enable static linking and IOBUF buffering:

% cd ucvm-11.9.0
% module add iobuf
% ./configure --prefix=${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR} --enable-static --enable-iobuf --with-etree-include-path="${ETREE_DIR}/libsrc" 
--with-etree-lib-path="${ETREE_DIR}/libsrc" --with-proj4-include-path="${PROJ4_DIR}/include" 
--with-proj4-lib-path="${PROJ4_DIR}/lib" --with-cvmh-include-path="${CVMH_DIR}/include" --with-cvmh-lib-path="${CVMH_DIR}/lib" 
--with-gctpc-lib-path="${CVMH_DIR}/gctpc/lib" --with-cvms-include-path="${CVMS_DIR}/include" --with-cvms-lib-path="${CVMS_DIR}/lib" 
--with-cvmh-model-path="${CVMH_DIR}/bin" --with-cvms-model-path="${CVMS_DIR}/src" CC=cc
% make; make check; make install

A few notes:

  • Some systems require applications to be linked statically (example above).
  • Lustre filesystems require linking with IOBUF module (NICS Kraken example above).
  • The configure script needs to be told where to find the library file(s), the header file(s), and the model files for each velocity model that you wish to enable. The configure script will check that the libraries and headers are present, and it will setup UCVM with that model enabled and properly configured.
  • The script will attempt to auto-detect a GNU compliant compiler. If an MPI wrapper is found, the MPI version of UCVM is compiled, otherwise the serial version is built. The compiler may be overridden with the option 'CC="mpicc"' for example.
  • Additional compiler flags and linker flags may be passed to ./configure with the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS options. Generally, this is not needed but allows the package to be built on platforms with specific compiling/linking requirements.

The full list of options follows:

  --enable-static         enable static linking
  --enable-iobuf          enable IOBUF module

                          location of the Etree headers
  --with-etree-lib-path   location of the Etree libraries

                          location of the Proj.4 headers
  --with-proj4-lib-path   location of the Proj.4 libraries

                          location of the USGS CenCalVM headers
  --with-cencal-lib-path  location of the USGS CenCalVM libraries
                          location of the USGS CenCalVM high-rez etree
                          location of the USGS CenCalVM extended etree

                          location of the SCEC CVM-H headers
  --with-cvmh-lib-path    location of the SCEC CVM-H libraries
  --with-cvmh-model-path  location of the SCEC CVM-H model files
  --with-gctpc-lib-path   location of the CVM-H GCTPC libraries

                          location of the SCEC CVM-S headers
  --with-cvms-lib-path    location of the SCEC CVM-S libraries
  --with-cvms-model-path  location of the SCEC CVM-S model files

                          location of the SCEC CVM-SI headers
  --with-cvmsi-lib-path   location of the SCEC CVM-SI libraries
  --with-cvmsi-model-path location of the SCEC CVM-SI model files

                          location of the WFCVM headers
  --with-wfcvm-lib-path   location of the WFCVM libraries
  --with-wfcvm-model-path location of the WFCVM model files

Unit Tests

Unit tests may be executed with the command:

% make check

All tests should result in a PASS.

Acceptance Tests

Acceptance tests may be executed with the command:

% make check

All tests should result in a PASS.

Framework Configuration

The main package configuration file is ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/ucvm.conf. This is where the paths to all configured models and maps are specified, as well as any model flags are defined. The UCVM installer sets up this file automatically. Yet there are a number of situations where you will want to modify it, such as to add a new model.

The following is an example configuration:

# UCVM config file

# UCVM model path
# Change to reflect UCVM installation directory.

# Pre-defined models
# USGS Bay Area high-rez and extended etrees
# Wasatch Front CVM
# Lin-Thurber Statewide
# Cape Mendocino RG

# User-defined models
# Change to reflect paths to user model files
# Current supported interfaces: model_etree, model_patch

# User-defined maps
# Change to reflect paths to user map files
# Current supported interfaces: map_etree
# Optional Yong-Wald vs30 map

# Model flags

The following table describes each configuration item, where "*" indicates the model/map label. Model/map labels can be predefined strings such as "cmvh" for CVM-H, or any arbitrary string label for the case of a user-defined model.

Key Value(s) Description
ucvm_modelpath ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/model/ucvm Directory containing the default projection specification and UCVM DEM/Vs30 Etree map.
*_modelpath A directory, URL, or file String identifying location of model's primary or high-rez data
*_extmodelpath A directory, URL, or file String identifying location of model's extended data (required for USGS CenCalVM extended Etree).
*_interface Models: model_etree, model_patch
Maps: model_map
The interface code needed to parse this user-defined model/map.
*_mappath A directory, URL, or file String identifying location of user-defined map Etree
*_param Flag,Value Set a model-specific configuration Flag to Value. The only defined flag currently is USE_1D_BKG for CVM-H, for toggling the 1D background model.

Supported Standard Crustal Velocity Models

UCVM has built-in support for a number of standard community velocity models (CVMs). These standard models are referenced in ucvm_query and the API by their string labels. The following table lists the labels for these predefined CVMs. These are reserved labels and cannot be used for a user-defined model.

Note that "predefined" does not necessarily mean "installed". These are models that UCVM can query if it is linked with that model's libraries at install time. Some are pre-linked, such as lin-thurber and cmrg, the rest must be explicitly linked at install.

Label Model Type Active Limit
cvmh SCEC CVM-H External, installed separately and linked at install 1
cvms SCEC CVM-S External, installed separately and linked at install 1
cencal USGS Bay Area CenCalVM External, installed separately and linked at install 1
cvmsi SCEC CVM-SI External, installed separately and linked at install 1
wfcvm Wasatch Front CVM (Utah) External, installed separately and linked at install 1
1d Hadley-Kanamori 1D Internal, included in UCVM and automatically linked 1
lin-thurber Lin-Thurber California Statewide Internal, included in UCVM and automatically linked 1
cmrg Cape Mendocino Rob Graves Internal, included in UCVM and automatically linked 1

There are also two special standard model interfaces that support reading SCEC CVM Etrees and SCEC Patch Models. These are model files that conform to specific format conventions: a special schema and metadata format for the Etrees, and a special conf and binary format for patches. Since these models are standardized, the user may create their own models in these formats and import them into UCVM.

Whereas only one version of the predefined models may be active at any given time, up to 100 etrees and patches may be read into UCVM through these model interfaces. Thus, multiple version of the same model may be available for querying, or several different models may be combined into a composite model through the query interface. Etrees and patches are defined by the user in the UCVM configuration file (see UCVM_User_Guide#Adding_a_User-defined_Velocity_Model).

The model interfaces are summarized in the following table:

Interface Description Active Limit
model_etree SCEC CVM Etree 100
model_patch SCEC Patch Model 100

Supported Standard GTL Velocity Models

UCVM has built-in support for two geotechnical layer models. These near-surface models are intended to provide superior velocity information at shallow depths. The following table lists the labels for these predefined GTLs. These are reserved labels and cannot be used for a user-defined GTL.

Label GTL
elygtl Ely Vs30-derived GTL
1dgtl Generic 1D, identical to 1d crustal model

Supported Standard Maps

UCVM has built-in support for a number of standard maps for California. These standard maps contain elevation data (DEM) and Vs30 data for the region and are referenced in ucvm_query and the API by their string labels. The following table lists the labels for these predefined maps. These are reserved labels and cannot be used for a user-defined map.

Label Map
ucvm USGS NED 1 arcsec DEM, and Wills-Wald Vs30 (default)
yong USGS NED 1 arcsec DEM, and Yong-Wald Vs30

Adding New Velocity Models

Enabling Another Standard Velocity Model After Installation

If after installation you wish to link in another standard velocity model, you must re-install UCVM using the process described in UCVM_User_Guide#Installation. Add the configure options appropriate for the new model you wish to link into UCVM.

Upgrading the Version of a Standard Velocity Model After Installation

Generally, UCVM must be recompiled and re-installed using the new model libraries and headers. However, if you are certain that only the model files have changed (and the query interface has NOT changed), you can simply update that model's modelpath configuration in ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/ucvm.conf to reference the new files.

Using Multiple Versions of a Supported Velocity Model Simultaneously

Not supported.

Adding a User-defined Velocity Model

UCVM may be extended to support any user-defined velocity model. The simplest way to add a new model is to store that model as a SCEC Etree or Patch Model, and update ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/ucvm.conf with the model interface and path. For example:

For SCEC Etrees:


For Patch models:


SCEC Etrees can be created with the ./bin/ucvm2etree utility. Patch models can be created with the ./bin/patchmodel utility.

For other models that either are represented by tables, or have their own native API, UCVM may be extended to query from these models. However, this requires code modifications to the core UCVM library located in ./src/ucvm and recompilation. The general steps are:

  • Define new model label UCVM_MODEL_MODELNAME in ucvm_dtypes.h
  • Create ucvm_model_modelname.h/.c containing the glue code that links the UCVM query interface to the native model interface
  • Modify ./src/ucvm/ucvm.c:
    • Add ucvm_model_modelname.h include at top
    • Add model lookup to ucvm_add_model() function
  • Modify ./src/ucvm/Makefile.am:
    • Add ucvm_model_modelname.o to list of libucvm.a dependencies
  • Reconf Makefiles with ./scripts/autoconf/reconf.sh
  • Recompile UCVM, passing the following options to configure:
    • Path to the native model header files with: CFLAGS='-I<hdr_path>'
    • Path to the native model library files with: LDFLAGS='-L<lib_path> -l<libname>"

Adding a User-defined Map

Update ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/ucvm.conf with the map interface and Etree path:


User-defined maps can be created with the ./bin/grd2etree utility.

Framework Description



This is the command-line tool for querying CVMs. Any set of crustal and GTL velocity models may be selected and queried in order of preference. Points may be queried by (lon,lat,dep) or (lon,lat,elev) and the coordinate conversions for a particular model are handled transparently.

Usage: ucvm_query [-m models<:ifunc>] [-p user_map] [-c coordtype] [-f config] [-z zmin,zmax] < file.in

        -h This help message.
        -m Comma delimited list of crustal/GTL models to query in order
           of preference. GTL models may optionally be suffixed with ':ifunc'
           to specify interpolation function.
        -p User-defined map to use for elevation and vs30 data.
        -c Z coordinate mode: geo-depth (gd, default), geo-elev (ge).
        -f Configuration file. Default is ./ucvm.conf.
        -z Optional depth range for gtl/crust interpolation.

Input format is:
        lon lat Z

Output format is:
        lon lat Z surf vs30 crustal cr_vp cr_vs cr_rho gtl gtl_vp gtl_vs gtl_rho cmb_algo cmb_vp cmb_vs cmb_rho

        - If running interactively, type Cntl-D to end input coord list.

Version: 11.9.0

The config file is generally ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/ucvm.conf, but you may pass in any custom configuration file.


This utility creates a SCEC-formatted CVM Etree extracted from a set of CVMs. The CVM Etree may then be imported into UCVM and queried like any other velocity model. This confers a number of advantages:

  • Several different velocity models can be combined into one composite model and distributed as a single file.
  • Any number of CVM Etrees can be easily imported into UCVM without recompilation (just a config change) since Etree support is built in.
  • The Etree data structure is efficient and the library provides disk caching and buffering, resulting in very fast query performance.

How to use ucvm2etree:

Usage: ucvm2etree [-h] -f config

        -f: Configuration file
        -h: Help message

Version: 11.9.0

The following is an example ucvm2etree configuration file. It can also be found in ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/example/ucvm2etree_example.conf:

# ucvm2etree conf file

# Projection and region coordinates (degrees):
proj=+proj=aeqd +lat_0=36.0 +lon_0=-120.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0

# Domain dimensions (meters):

# Blocks partition parameters:

# Max freq (Hz), points per wavelength

# Etree max cellsize to allow in meters

# Etree parameters and info

# CVMs to use

# Min Vs, Vp

# Scratch

Import the new CVM Etree into UCVM by adding these lines to ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/ucvm.conf:


   newmodel          : name for your new model
   config.outputfile : outputfile from config passed into ucvm2etree


This command-line tool queries data from a set of ArcGIS grid files in GridFloat format.

Usage: grd_query [-e] [-v] -d datadir [-b bkgdir] < file.in

        -e Employ GRD bathymetry heuristic.
        -v Employ GRD vs30 heuristic.
        -d Main ArcGIS Gridfloat data directory. Default is ./ned.
        -b Background/Bathymetry data directory. Default is ./bath.
        -h This help message.

Input format is:
        lon lat

Output format is:
        lon lat val valid

        - If running interactively, type Cntl-D to end input coord list.

Version: 11.9.0


This utility extracts a SCEC-formatted Etree map from a set of DEM and Vs30 grid files in ArcGIS Gridfloat format.

Usage: grd2etree [-h] -f config

        -f: Configuration file
        -h: Help message

Version: 11.9.0

Import the new Etree Map into UCVM by adding these lines to ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/ucvm.conf:


   newmodel          : name for your new model
   config.outputfile : outputfile from config passed into grd2etree


The utility provides a post-processing "patching" mechanism to smooth out discontinuities at the interfaces between different regional models. The user identifies a 3D geographic region in the form of an open box where smoothing is to be performed. The patchmodel program is run to extract the material properties along the surfaces of this box at a fixed resolution (eg: 250 m) and it saves them into a new model which may then be imported into and queried by UCVM. Points that fall within the smoothing region are interpolated using an inverse distance weighting function with the 10% closest surface points on the same z-plane. A power factor of 2.0 is used for weighting. Linear interpolation is used along the z-axis to smooth out the edge values.

Usage: patchmodel [-h] -f config

        -f: Configuration file
        -h: Help message

Version: 11.9.0

Import the new patch into UCVM by adding these lines to ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/ucvm.conf:


   newmodel         : name for your new model
   config.modelpath : modelpath from config passed into patchmodel
   config.modelname : modelname from config passed into patchmodel


This optimization utility compacts an etree file with any payload and schema. It does this by removing empty space in the Etree data structure.

Usage: ecompact in_etree out_etree


This optimization utility coalesces an etree file that conforms to either the SCEC CVM Etree or CMU CVM Etree conventions. It does this by replacing eight adjacent octants with identical material properties at level N with a single octant containing the same material properties at level N-1.

Usage: ecoalesce in_etree out_etree

C Application Programming Interface

A detailed description of the API can be found in UCVM API.

Extracting Values from UCVM

Two methods are provided for extracting material properties from UCVM: command-line tools, and a C API. These are described in the sections below. The following table summarizes the model features supported by each interface:

Extracting Values on the Command Line

The ucvm_query utility is provided for querying a set of community velocity models. Points may either be input interactively or via a text file, and can be either (lon, lat, elevation) or (lon, lat, depth).

The following output shows an interactive example on three points (followed by a Cntl-D to terminate input) using the CVM-S model. Starting in the UCVM installation directory, enter these commands:

% cd bin
% ./ucvm_query -m cvms -f ../conf/ucvm.conf
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
-118.0 34.0 0.0
-118.0 34.0 100.0
-118.0 34.0 1000.0 <Cntrl-D>
 -118.0000    34.0000      0.000    295.679    390.000       cvms    696.491    213.000   1974.976       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust    696.491    213.000   1974.976
 -118.0000    34.0000    100.000    295.679    390.000       cvms   1683.174    603.470   2130.773       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   1683.174    603.470   2130.773
 -118.0000    34.0000   1000.000    295.679    390.000       cvms   3660.809   2056.628   2443.042       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   3660.809   2056.628   2443.042

Similarly, here is an example for the CVM-H model:

% cd bin
% ./ucvm_query -m cvmh -f ../conf/ucvm.conf
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
-118.0 34.0 0.0
-118.0 34.0 100.0
-118.0 34.0 1000.0
 -118.0000    34.0000      0.000    295.679    390.000       cvmh    824.177    195.000   1084.062       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust    824.177    195.000   1084.062
 -118.0000    34.0000    100.000    295.679    390.000       cvmh   2371.500    727.748   2051.320       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   2371.500    727.748   2051.320
 -118.0000    34.0000   1000.000    295.679    390.000       cvmh   2616.063   1082.813   2127.783       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   2616.063   1082.813   2127.783

Extracting Values in a C Program

Working code examples that use the UCVM A API can be found in the directory ${UCVM_INSTALL_DIR}/examples. Feel free to use these examples as a basis for your own programs. In general, using the API in your program requires the following source/Makefile updates.

Include the ucvm.h header in your source code at a minimum. Eg:

#include "ucvm.h"

Set the include path to the location of the UCVM headers, the Etree and Proj.4 headers, and all of the standard model include paths. Eg, for GNU C compiler and CVM-S:


Identify the library paths and names to UCVM static library, the Etree and Proj.4 libraries, and all of the standard model library paths needed by your application to the linker. Depending on platform, also include the pthreads and math libraries. Eg, for GNU linker and CVM-S (note the use of the gfortran lib since CVM-S is Fortran):

LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) -L$(UCVM_INSTALL_DIR)/lib ucvm -L($CVMS_INSTALL_DIR)/lib cvms -L$(ETREE_INSTALL_DIR)/libsrc etree -L$(PROJ4_INSTALL_DIR)/lib proj 
          -lgfortran -pthreads -lm

History of UCVM Releases

Acknowledgements and Contact Info

Support for the development and maintenance of the UCVM framework has been provided by the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC). SCEC is funded by NSF Cooperative Agreement EAR-0106924 and USGS Cooperative Agreement 02HQAG0008.

Contributions to this manual were made by: Patrick Small, and Philip Maechling.

Please email software@scec.org for help on downloading and using UCVM, and for any suggestions for the delivery of the code or for this manual.

Please reference at least Small et al (2011) if you use this software framework; other references should be considered, depending on the purpose.


  1. Ely, G., T. H. Jordan, P. Small, P. J. Maechling (2010), A Vs30-derived Near-surface Seismic Velocity Model Abstract S51A-1907, presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec. [Ely2010-AGU.pdf]
  2. Graves, R. (1994), Rupture History and Strong Motion Modeling of the 1992 Cape Mendocino Earthquake, USGS External Grant Report Cape mendocino-19941027.pdf
  3. Lin, G., C. H. Thurber, H. Zhang, E. Hauksson, P. Shearer, F. Waldhauser, T. M. Brocher, and J. Hardebeck (2010), A California statewide three-dimensional seismic velocity model from both absolute and differential Times, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 100, in press. supplemental
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  7. Wills, C. J., and K. B. Clahan (2006), Developing a map of geologically defined site-condition categories for California, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 96 (4A), 1483-1501, doi:10.1785/0120050179.
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