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== Blue mystery spots ==
== Blue spots ==
A study of Z1.0 loc where the difference range from 0 to -270. There are 441 spots
A study of Z1.0 loc where the difference range from 0 to -270. There are 441 spots
| [[File:diff_taper_blue_z1.0.png|thumb|300px|difference map, CVMSI, taper/none, z1.0]]
Data file,
| [[File:blue_latlons.txt |200px|thumb|left|latlons, CVMSI taper/none ]]

Latest revision as of 07:50, 2 February 2024

UCVM tapering

interp Zrange is set to [0,700] initially

related ucvm_query flags that affects tapering:

-L vs,vp,density (optional)

     example,  -L 200,-1,-1
         (only floor the vs to 200)

-m cvmsi,elygtl:taper

         (adding tapering interp to cvmsi)

-z zmin,zmax (optional)

         (zrange values, original default: zmin = 0, zmax = 350)

UCVM's implementation of ucvm-tapering is ..

     zmax fixed at 700

     outside of zrange

       below zmin,    process GTL (vs30 to vs)
       above zmax,    straight CRUST pass thru

     inside of range

       calculate target-taper values

       *** THIS IS NEW ***
                 Added an additional backend query
                 to get the original interp_crust value
                 and brought it back from backend to use for this
                 --- only implemented for plugin modules
                 *** What does this mean?
                 unless the non-plugin module set these values,
                 tapering is not going to work.  ie. cvmh
                 can not be tapered, (not sure if it makes sense)
                 but cvmhlabn could be tapered.

       if interp_crust.vs < target-taper.vs
           use interp_crust
           use target-taper

       default vs_floor 500, vp_floor 1700, density_floor 1700
       if there is a user-defined floor from ucvm_query command line option, use user-defined floors

       orig_ratio= vp/vs

       Rule 1,
          if vs < vs_floor:
             vp=vs_floor * orig_ratio

       Rule 2,
          if vp < vp_floor:
       Rule 3,
          if density < density_floor:

       Rule 4,
          if (vp/vs) < 1.45:

#define UCVM_DEFAULT_VP_FLOOR 1700.0

Generate Z1.0 and Z2.5

on Discovery, commands used to create Z1.0 and Z2.5 basin query results,

if [ -z "$UCVM_INSTALL_PATH" ]; then
  echo "Need to set UCVM_INSTALL_PATH to run >" ${0##*/} 
source $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH/conf/ucvm_env.sh


salloc ${UCVM_SALLOC_ENV} -Q --nodes=2 --ntasks=4 --mem=16GB --time=01:00:00 srun -Q -o ${TEST}.srun.out ${BIN_DIR}/basin_query_mpi_complete -b ${TES
T}.first,${TEST}.firstOrSecond,${TEST}.last,${TEST}.secondOnly,${TEST}.threeLast -o ${TEST}.result,${TEST}.meta.json -f ${CONF_DIR}/ucvm.conf -m cvms
i,elygtl:taper -i 10 -v 2500 -l 33.25,-119.38 -s 0.005 -x 578 -y 366

salloc ${UCVM_SALLOC_ENV} -Q --nodes=2 --ntasks=4 --mem=16GB --time=01:00:00 srun -Q -o ${TEST}.srun.out ${BIN_DIR}/basin_query_mpi_complete -b ${TES
T}.first,${TEST}.firstOrSecond,${TEST}.last,${TEST}.secondOnly,${TEST}.threeLast -o ${TEST}.result,${TEST}.meta.json -f ${CONF_DIR}/ucvm.conf -m cvms
i,elygtl:taper -i 10 -v 1000 -l 33.25,-119.38 -s 0.005 -x 578 -y 366

the .firstOrSecond files are the ones that is needed for CyberShake study

Plot the binary file

To plot these files with ucvm_plotting, data ingest mode of plot_z10_map.py and plot_z25_map.py from ucvm_plotting is used but first needs to change those file name to have .binary file name so plotting scripts know how to parse the data

plot_z10_map.py -a s -s 0.0050 -b 33.25,-119.38 -u 35.08,-116.49 -c cvmsi,elygtl:taper -x 578 -y 366 -f cvmsi_taper_z1.0.binary -o cvmsi_taper_z1.0.png
plot_z25_map.py -a s -s 0.005 -b 33.25,-119.38 -u 35.08,-116.49 -c cvmsi,elygtl:taper -x 578 -y 366 -f cvmsi_taper_z2.5.binary -o cvmsi_taper_z2.5.png 

plot_z10_map.py -a s -s 0.0050 -b 33.25,-119.38 -u 35.08,-116.49 -c cvmsi -x 578 -y 366 -f cvmsi_z1.0.binary -o cvmsi_z1.0.png
plot_z25_map.py -a s -s 0.005 -b 33.25,-119.38 -u 35.08,-116.49 -c cvmsi -x 578 -y 366 -f cvmsi_z2.5.binary -o cvmsi_z2.5.png 

An example of the output,

Using parameters:

datafile = cvmsi_taper_z1.0.binary
lat1 = 33.25
lat2 = 35.08
color = s
outfile = cvmsi_taper_z1.0.png
spacing = 0.0050
nx = 578
ny = 366
cvm = cvmsi,elygtl:taper
lon1 = -119.38
lon2 = -116.49

Retrieving data. Please wait...
TOTAL number of binary data read:211548
CVMSI, taper, z1.0
CVMSI, taper, z2.5
CVMSI, no taper, z1.0
CVMSI, no taper, z2.5

Create difference map between 2 binary files

plot_vs30_etree_difference_map.py -s 0.005 -c cvmsi -a d -i ${UCVM_INSTALL_PATH} -b 33.25,-119.38 -u 35.08,-116.49 -o diff_taper_none_z1.0.png -f cvmsi_taper_z1.0.binary,cvmsi_z1.0.binary -x 578 -y 366 -t "diff between cvmsi and cvmsi+taper Z1.0" -A -0.52,0.52

plot_vs30_etree_difference_map.py -s 0.005 -c cvmsi -a d -i ${UCVM_INSTALL_PATH} -b 33.25,-119.38 -u 35.08,-116.49 -o diff_taper_none_z2.5.png -f cvmsi_taper_z2.5.binary,cvmsi_z2.5.binary -x 578 -y 366 -t "diff between cvmsi and cvmsi+taper Z2.5" -A -0.52,0.52

An example of the output :

Using parameters:

ny = 366
lat1 = 33.25
datafile2 = cvmsi_z1.0.binary
datafile1 = cvmsi_taper_z1.0.binary
lat2 = 35.08
color = d
title = diff between cvmsi and cvmsi+taper Z1.0
spacing = 0.005
nx = 578
outfile = diff_taper_none_z1.0.png
cvm = cvmsi
lon1 = -119.38
scalemax = 0.52
scalemin = -0.52
lon2 = -116.49
installdir = /var/www/html/UCVM_web/web/model/UCVM_TARGET

Retrieving data. Please wait...

Using --> cvmsi_taper_z1.0.binary
TOTAL number of binary data read:211548

Using --> cvmsi_z1.0.binary
TOTAL number of binary data read:211548

difference map, CVMSI, taper/none, z1.0
difference map, CVMSI, taper/none, z2.5

What is actual Z1.0 and Z2.5 for a point

LAPD point -118.125 34.557


echo "z2.5 with taper"
basin_query -m cvmsi,elygtl:taper -v 2500.0 < in

echo "z2.5 no taper"
basin_query -m cvmsi -v 2500.0 < in

echo "z1.0 with taper"
basin_query -m cvmsi,elygtl:taper -v 1000.0 < in

echo "1.0 no taper"
basin_query -m cvmsi -v 1000.0 < in

using LAPD z2.5 with taper
 -118.1250    34.5570    580.000    580.000    580.000
z2.5 no taper
 -118.1250    34.5570      0.000      0.000      0.000
z1.0 with taper
 -118.1250    34.5570    120.000    120.000    120.000
1.0 no taper
 -118.1250    34.5570      0.000      0.000      0.000

Blue spots

A study of Z1.0 loc where the difference range from 0 to -270. There are 441 spots

difference map, CVMSI, taper/none, z1.0

Data file,

File:Blue latlons.txt