UCVM sfcvm geomodelgrid

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Software stack for supporting geomodelgrid based format:

  1. curl (curl-7.87.0)
  2. hdf5 (hdf5-1.10.9)
  3. openssl (openssl-3.0.8)
  4. proj (proj-8.1.1)
  5. sqlite (sqlite-autoconf-3400100)
  6. tiff (tiff-4.5.0)


geomodelgrid based SFCVM is set with

    geomodelgrids_squery_setSquashing(sfcvm_geo_query_object, GEOMODELGRIDS_SQUASH_TOPOGRAPHY_BATHYMETRY);
    geomodelgrids_squery_setSquashMinElev(sfcvm_geo_query_object, SFCVM_SquashMinElev);

where SFCVM_SquashMinElev is default to -5000m (sfcvm is elevation based, depth is negative value)

NOTE: For locations that are below water, their geomodelgrids_squery_queryTopoBathyElevation() could return a NA value and so a grid height is added across the board to always have an usable value.

New command line option for model specific configuration

UCVM option:

-P Optional model configuration(model_param:key,value)


ucvm_query -l 37.455000,-121.941,3000 -m sfcvm -f ../../conf/ucvm.conf -P sfcvm_param:SquashMinElev,-5000.0

Allows multiple -P options,

ucvm_query ... -P cvmh_param:USE_1D_BKG,False -P cvmh_param:USE_GTL,False