Visualizing AWP-ODC Output

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This page documents a procedure to visualize AWP-ODC velocity output, using remote Paraview. So far, this procedure has only been tested on Titan using Paraview 4.4.0.

Configure the simulation

When running the AWP-ODC simulation, make sure it is configured to produce velocity output.

Take note of the following parameters:

  • NX, NY, NZ (and NBGX, NEDX, NGBY, NEDY, NGBZ, NEDZ if specified)

They'll be needed when producing the output.

Create a Paraview XDMF file

Once the simulation is complete, we must create a configuration file which tells Paraview how the velocity data is laid out in memory.

For this, run the script

Usage: ./ <X dim in output> <Y dim in output> <grid decimation> <NT in sim> <DT of sim> <NTISKP> <timesteps output per file> <prefix> <output file>

Based on this, a XDMF (XML) file is produced which can serve as input to Paraview.

Create traces

Often, other visual references are needed to make the visualization meaningful. The approach outlined uses a Cartesian grid projection to display the velocity results. This means that to display other data, we have to convert the data from (lat, lon) into (X index, Y index).

To do this, use the code get_grid_values.c .

Use local Paraview to connect to remote nodes

The easiest way to visualize the data is to leave it on the remote system, and use the client/server functionality of Paraview. In this mode, Paraview connects to a remote system and uses the remote cluster to drive the rendering.

Follow the instructions at [1], under "Interactive Mode", to create a connection.

Load datasets

Velocity data


Modify visuals

Add timestamp

Change plot colors

Create series of PNGs

Create movie