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Presentations from the January 8, 2020, SCEC Workshop


The following files are the dynamic rupture presentations from the SCEC Dynamic Rupture Group Ingredients Workshop on Fault Friction, held on January 8, 2020, in Pomona, California.

PLEASE NOTE: Files are the author's property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used as an outline of the talk.


Ruth Harris           Welcome and Overview of Workshop Objectives
Fred Chester           Overview: Friction in the lab and field
Nir Badt           Thermal pressurization in laboratory experiments
Tamara Jeppson           Insights from deep drilling - case studies
Noah Phillips
          The frictional strength of fault rocks before, during, and following
earthquakes: Insights from the field and experiments
David Lockner           Recent lab observations concerning stability of hydraulically isolated faults
Valere Lambert
          Constraining physical conditions for the low-stress, low-heat
operation of mature faults
Hongfeng Yang
          Probing frictional properties on seismogenic faults with constraints
from near-field data
Kyle Withers
Yongfei Wang
          Update - Dynamic Rupture Code Validation Project
Christine Goulet           Update - Surface Rupture Project
Eric Dunham
          Overview: Friction Currently used in Dynamic Rupture
Computational Simulations
Ben Duan           Friction law and level matter in dynamic ruptures of earthquake gates
Alice Gabriel           Dynamic rupture simulations of recent earthquakes


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This page was last updated or reviewed on 25 October 2020.