Broadband Validation Events

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The Broadband Platform 11.2.2 provides three primary codebases for seismogram synthesis:

  • URS
  • UCSB
  • SDSU

Three validation events are provided in the Broadband Platform:

  • Northridge
  • Landers
  • Loma Prieta

Each of these events will be tested for each codebase. Although the platform allows codebases to be mixed and matched for low-frequency seismogram synthesis, high-frequency seismogram synthesis, and site response, validation events will be simulated with only a single codebase for now. Thus, there are nine unique simulation possibilities:

  • Northridge with URS
  • Northridge with UCSB
  • Northridge with SDSU
  • Landers with URS
  • Landers with UCSB
  • Landers with SDSU
  • Loma Prieta with URS
  • Loma Prieta with UCSB
  • Loma Prieta with SDSU

These nine simulations will be run on both and USC HPCC, and the results will be compared for accuracy. versus HPCC cluster

Codebase Northridge Landers Loma Prieta
URS Complete
UCSB Complete
PJM - Fixed in v11.2.3
PJM - Fixed in v11.2.3
SDSU Complete
PJM - Fixed in v11.2.3
PJM - Fixed in v11.2.3
PJM - Fixed in v11.2.3


Codebase Northridge Landers Loma Prieta
URS Complete Complete Complete
UCSB Complete Complete
Fixed in v11.2.3
Fixed in v11.2.3
SDSU Complete
Fixed in v11.2.3
Fixed in v11.2.3
Fixed in v11.2.3

Match Broadband vs HPCC based on results using v11.2.3:

Codebase Northridge Landers Loma Prieta
URS Identical Identical Identical
UCSB Differ ( Differ ( Differ (
SDSU Differ ( Differ ( Differ (

Broadband Platform Validation Processing

The Broadband Platform can calculate 0-10Hz seismograms (velocity and acceleration) for user-defined earthquakes. These broadband seismograms are intended to be accurate representations of ground motions caused by the earthquakes. To validate the system, the platform is designed to calculate seismograms for three historical California earthquakes and then to compare the resulting seismograms against observed seismograms.

If you have an installed version of the broadband platform, you can run validation processing for these three events fairly easily.


The system will ask you a series of questions. The first question is "Do you want or perform a validation run (y/n)?" If you respond "y" to this question, if will ask you for additional details about the validation run you wish to perform. Please note, each validation run will take approximately 4 hours (possibly longer).

zhs158-1:bbp_2g maechlin$
Welcome to the SCEC Broadband Platform.
Please select the modules you want to run.
Do you want to perform a validation run (y/n)? y
Do you want to validate with:
Northridge (1)
Loma Prieta (2)
Landers (3)
Do you want to
run all validation stations (1)
select a station list (2)
Choose a source of low frequency seismograms:
URS module (1)
URS 3D seismograms (2)
UCSB module (3)
SDSU module (4)
SDSU 3D seismograms (5)
Choose a high frequency module:
URS (1)
UCSB (2)
SDSU (3)
Choose a site response module:
URS (1)
UCSB (2)
SDSU (3)
Do you want to plot velocity seismograms (y/n)? n
Do you want to plot acceleration seismograms (y/n)? n
Running Jbsim
Running: mkdir -p /Users/maechlin/dev/bbp_2g/tmpdata/5818747

Errors and Fixes

The tables above reference several validation events that did not complete correctly when using version v11.2.2. The following table describes the errors and their resolution incorporated into v11.2.3. This is included primarily for broadband development groups:

  • [1] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/tmpdata/4255795/luc.3comp'. Solution is to rename UCSB LA/LP Green's functions to correct names expected by the platform. For the UCSB Lander's Green's functions, create the symlink shown below and update the filename in Green_Bank.inf and
[patrices@broadband Landers]$ pwd
[patrices@broadband Landers]$ ls -l
total 2259816
-rw-r--r-- 1 patrices bband 2311766784 Oct 25  2011 Green1D.Landers
lrwxrwxrwx 1 patrices cme           15 Apr 26 11:00 Green_1d.soil -> Green1D.Landers
-rw-r--r-- 1 patrices bband       1325 Apr 26 11:05 Green_Bank.inf
-rw-r--r-- 1 patrices cme         1327 Apr 26 11:05 Green_Bank.inf.original
-rwxr-xr-x 1 patrices bband        455 Apr 26 11:06
-rwxr-xr-x 1 patrices cme          457 Apr 26 11:06
  • [2] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/tmpdata/4255790/lgpc.3comp'. Same solution as #1.
  • [3] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/indata/4255183/stations.dat'. Same solution as #5.
  • [4] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/indata/4255178/stations.dat' Same solution as #5.
  • [5] IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/indata/4252651/stations_kappa.dat'. Solution is to add $BBP_INSTALL_GF/sdsu/Northridge/stations_kappa.dat to the stage-in file list for the HF module in Specifically, add the following at
		elif codebase=="SDSU":
			hf_module.addStageFile(val_obj.getInput("SDSU", "stations"))

Run Commands

The validation simulations were run using the standard start script. The following lists the run commands used with each codebase:

URS Simulations:

/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/nr_options_urs.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/nr_urs_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/lp_options_urs.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/lp_urs_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/la_options_urs.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/la_urs_validation.log

UCSB Simulations:

/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/nr_options_ucsb.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/nr_ucsb_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/lp_options_ucsb.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/lp_ucsb_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/la_options_ucsb.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/la_ucsb_validation.log

SDSU Simulations:

/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/nr_options_sdsu.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/nr_sdsu_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/lp_options_sdsu.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/lp_sdsu_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/la_options_sdsu.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/la_sdsu_validation.log

Where the option .txt files are provided here: