Export XWindows to Client
Exporting X-windows to client computer
If you are running UCVM on a remote system, the plotting scripts will try to return the image to your computer using Xwindows. For you to see the resulting plots, you need to enable your computer to accept incoming Xwindows displays. The following steps may help you run the plotting scripts on remote computers.
First, ssh into the remote UCVM system using xwindows
Unless you are logged into a terminal on a Linux system where UCVMC is installed, you may need to ssh into the UCVM server and export the Xwindows to your local display. As one example, I can ssh from my Mac into a linux server with the following command. I need to have a xwindows client installed on my local Mac. The program I used on a Mac running Sierra is XQuartz. On the local laptop you may need to Comment out any export DISPLAY commands in your .bash_profile. You may also need to grant permission to startup xwindows on your local system by typing:
%xhost +
Then, ssh into the UCVM server, with this command:
%ssh -X username@hpc.usc.edu
Then, once logged into the remote server, you can test your xwindows connection, by exporting a simple Xwindow application. On most linux systems, you can type:
% xclock
If this program runs, on the remote system, and clock is displayed on your local system, you xwindows are working properly and UCVMC plots should be exported correctly. You can close the clock, it is not needed for UCVMC plotting.