Project Description
The Collaboratory for Interseismic Simulation and Modeling (CISM) aims to assemble interdisciplinary teams to create system-specific models for time-dependent earthquake forecasting that are comprehensive, physics-based, data-calibrated, and prospectively testable. One of the key task for CISM is the development of a software package that integrates the various components allowing the computation of such earthquake forecasts. CISM is a 3-year project funded by the W.M. Keck Foundation. It involves a large number of participants from the scientific community and from the SCEC software engineering group.
Keck Foundation Website:
RSQSim Catalog Visualizations
September 13, 2015 Keck CISM Kick-off meeting at the 2015 SCEC Annual Meeting
March 9, 2016 RSQSim Working Group Planning Meeting
Keck CISM 2017 Special Projects Meeting
Action items
- Review Keck CISM system hardware estimates
- Define initial end to end processing target
- Implement Keck Cism distributed job submission
- Implement Keck Cism that supports both retrospective testing and prospective testing
- Define Keck Cism forecast results in format ready for CSEP evaluation
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