Mendocino Event

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Running U3_ETAS for this event on Quakeworx.


Checking for Quakeworx jobs on Expanse

  • squeue -u qwxdev
(base) squeue -u qwxdev
          35601027   compute tapisjob   qwxdev PD       0:00     14 (Priority)

Post-earthquake Quakeworx UCERF3-ETAS Runs

Submit time (PT) Operator Complete Time Compute Time (HM:MM:SS) Makespan (HM:MM:SS) System RunType Queue DataSize (GB) Core Hours Charged Result Config
11:05:00 Fabio 14:32:00 01:11:00 03:27:00 Expanse QW compute 18 2181 M7.0 Mendocino UCERF3-ETAS Results Default
19:05:00 Phil 21:52:00 01:29:00 02:47:00 Expanse QW compute 24.1 2312 M7.0 Mendocino UCERF3-ETAS Results Default

Output directorie amd Globus Transfer

An example path on expanse to Quakeworx results are below. When using the Globus connections on Expanse lustre drop the first parts of this path.

  • /expanse/lustre/scratch/qwxdev/temp_project/qwx1/users/drupaluid_7/jobs/UCERF3-ETAS-Ferndale
  • /expanse/lustre/scratch/qwxdev/temp_project/qwx1/users/drupaluid_6/jobs/Mendocino_ETAS/outputs/tapisjob.out

Workshop Scaling Tests UCERF3-ETAS Runs

Submit time (PT) Operator Complete Time Compute Time (HM:MM:SS) Makespan (HM:MM:SS) System RunType Number of Catalogs: Nodes: Tasks Total: Queue DataSize (GB) Core Hours Charged Result Config
00:00:00 Scott 00:45:00 00:15:00 00:45:00 Expanse QW 1000 1 32 compute XX.XX 32 index.html Default

Link to Results on CARC

Preparing U3-ETAS for Next Post-Earthquake Simulations

  1. Manage Accounts:
    1. Quakeworx Accounts:
    2. Frontera Accounts:
    3. Expanse Accounts:
    4. Discovery Accounts:
  2. Manage Allocations:
    1. Quakeworx
    2. Frontera
    3. Expanse
    4. Discovery
  3. Evidence that U3-ETAS is correct:
    1. Quakeworx is correct:
    2. Command Line is correct:
  4. Keeping the Software Current:
    1. Quakeworx Current
    2. Keeping Command Line Current:
  5. Information to help Users specific Parameters:
  6. Ability to run with/without planner
  7. Ability to run with/without plotter
  8. Transfer results to end-users:
  9. Access to partial results

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