Docker Hub
SCEC has created a Docker Hub repository as a way to distribute SCEC software on most computer types. SCEC Docker Hub is intended to parallel SCEC Github. The organization in both cases in SCECcode (or sceccode).
= Example Usage
(base) bash-4.2# cat
Container Directory: /app/target
UCVM Installation Directory: /usr/local/opt/ucvm/conf/ucvm.conf
Start UCVM in Docker: Make sure Docker daemon is running
Issue Docker installation command: docker run --rm -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,destination=/app/target sceccode/miniucvm:1.1
Host directory: /User/maechlin
Host Target Directory: /User/maechlin/target
Example command: (base) bash-4.2# ucvm_query -f /usr/local/opt/ucvm/conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh < ./test_latlons.txt > ./ucvm_query_results.txt Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
-118.0000 34.0000 0.000 281.668 468.400 cvmh 2484.388 969.300 2088.316 none 0.000 0.000 0.000 crust 2484.388 969.300 2088.316 -118.0000 34.0000 50.000 281.668 468.400 cvmh 2484.388 969.300 2088.316 none 0.000 0.000 0.000 crust 2484.388 969.300 2088.316 -118.0000 34.0000 100.000 281.668 468.400 cvmh 2488.457 972.807 2089.593 none 0.000 0.000 0.000 crust 2488.457 972.807 2089.593 -118.0000 34.0000 500.000 281.668 468.400 cvmh 2540.009 1017.249 2105.449 none 0.000 0.000 0.000 crust 2540.009 1017.249 2105.449 -118.0000 34.0000 1000.000 281.668 468.400 cvmh 2634.464 1098.676 2133.005 none 0.000 0.000 0.000 crust 2634.464 1098.676 2133
- /usr/local/opt/ucvm/bin/ucvm_query -f /usr/local/opt/ucvm/conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmh < ./gfm_points.txt > ./gfm_elevations.txt
UCVM Docker options
docker run --rm -it --mount type=bind,src="$(pwd)"/target,dst=/app/target sceccode/miniucvm:1.0
-- rm Automatically remove the container when it exits -- it interactive terminal? --mount Attach a filesystem mount to the container