Press Coverage

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SCEC Computational Science in the News - 2016

NVIDIA Conference

NHERIC DesignSafe Project

NSF Data Centers

XSEDE 2.0 Structure

CyberShake on Titan

Seismic Simulations Using K Computer in Japan

NSCI Turns One Year Old

USGS Preparedness Statements

Paul Messina Pathway to Exascale

NCSA Workflow Workshop

Google Earthquake Information Service


National Earthquake Conference 2016

NHERI Developments

USGS Seismic Risk Changes to include Human Activities that increase seismic risks

SC15 Plenary Talk by SCEC Director Thomas H. Jordan

SDSC Intel Center

NSF PRAC Officer

National Strategic Computing Initiative (NCSI)

ALCF System

Next Generation Computing

Future of Supercomputing

PRACE Code Vault

California EEW

SCEC Computational Science in the News - 2015

Fall AGU 2015

OLCF Article:

ALCF Article:


NVIDIA Article

SCEC HPC in 2015

NEHRI Center

Newport Inglewood Fault

Blue Waters Symposium


UCERF3 Time Dependent Forecast Release

Movie San Andreas

SCEC Computational Science in the News - 2014

INCITE 2013 Highlights

La Habra M5.1 Earthquake

Supercomputing Information

Twenty Years After Northridge

SCEC Computational Science In the News - 2013

UC San Diego team achieves petaflop-level earthquake simulations on GPU-powered supercomputers

NVIDA Description of CME Code

Cray Overview of SCEC Science on Titan

SCEC's Titan Work

IDC Award for SCEC Community Modeling Environment (CME) Project at SC13

Earthquake Forecasting

HPGeoC Award

SCEC research on NSF HPC

SCEC Computational Science in the News - 2012 and Earlier

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