CyberShake Meeting - 4 April 2012

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Fig 1:Regional-scale San Andreas rupture under consideration for UCERF3.0. (Image Credit: Kevin Milner (USC))

CyberShake Meeting Goals

  • Develop scientific and technical basis for integrating SCEC scientific products including UCERF3.0, CVM, and software into a SCEC CyberShake calculation.
  • Develop computational methods and techniques that will enable us to scale-up a CyberShake 1.0Hz PSHA calculation to 5000 sites using UCERF3.0

Agenda & Presentations

Introduction and Meeting Goals

  • 09:00 Welcome, Goals, and Objectives (T. Jordan)
  • 09:15 Recent CyberShake Production Runs (S. Callaghan)
  • 09:30 Analysis of CyberShake Results (F. Wang)
  • 09:45 Discussion

California UCERF3.0 PSHA Calculation

  • 10:00 UCERF3.0 Developments (N. Field)
  • 10:15 California CVM (P. Chen)
  • 10:30 UCERF3.0 Extended ERF (R. Graves)
  • 11:00 CyberShake Processing Code Status (P. Maechling)
  • 11:15 Discussion
  • 11:30 Break

CyberShake Study Plans

  • 11:45 Sensitivity Studies for CVM and Ruptures at 0.5Hz (T. Jordan)
  • 12:00 Initial Northern California Hazard Curves (B. Aagaard)
  • 12:15 Evaluation of 1.0Hz and 10Hz CyberShake Hazard Curves (T. Jordan)
  • 12:30 Lunch

HPC Requirements

  • 13:30 California PSHA Calculation (S. Callaghan)
  • 13:45 HPC Codes Developments
    • AWP-ODC-SGT and AWP-ODC-GPU (Y. Cui)
    • Hercules (R. Taborda)
    • AWP-Graves (R. Graves)
  • 14:45 Discussion
  • 15:00 Break

CyberShake on Blue Waters

  • 15:15 Blue Waters (J. Alameda)
  • 15:30
  • 15:30 Discussion and Next Steps (T. Jordan/G. Beroza)
  • 16:00 Adjourn

CyberShake Meeting Agenda

    1. 1Hz SGT software
      1. AWP-ODC
      2. Hercules
      3. Graves
    2. 10Hz Stochastic
  1. Blue Waters Status (Alameda)
  2. Simulation Planning
    1. Target Calculation Parameters (Sites,Hrs,TB,RP)
    2. HPC codes used
    3. Workflow tools
    4. Data Products Produced and Storage Plans
    5. Publication Development

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