California CVM Meeting - 3 April 2012
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- Define scientific and technical features wanted by SCEC in a California CVM
- Review capabilities and features of existing California CVMs
- Develop methods for integrating inversion-based improvements into CVMs
- Plan candidate UCVM-CyberShake Model
- Plan SCEC4 UCVM Model
Agenda & Presentations
Introduction and Meeting Goals
- 09:00 Welcome, Introductions, Agenda (P. Maechling)
- 09:15 SCEC CVM Scientific Goals (G. Beroza)
- 09:30 Discussion
Existing California CVMs
- 09:45 CVM-H (A. Plesch)
- 10:00 CVM-S (H. Magistrale)
- 10:15 Bay Area Model (B. Aagaard)
- 10:30 Hauksson Tomography Model (E. Hauksson)
- 10:45 Lin-Thurber Tomography Model (G. Lin)
- 11:00 Geotechnical Layer from Vs30 (G. Ely)
- 11:15 Discussion
- 11:30 Break
CVM Improvements by Full-3D Tomography
- 11:45 Adjoint Method Central California Inversions (C. Tape)
- 12:00 Scattering Integral California Inversions (E. Lee)
- 12:15 Re-integration of CVM improvements to CVM (A. Plesch)
- 12:30 Lunch
California Velocity Model Development Tools
- 13:30 CVM Software Requirements (P. Maechling)
- 13:45 Assembling State-wide using UCVM software framework (P. Small)
- 14:00 CVM Evaluation System (P. Maechling)
- 14:15 Discussion
- 14:30 Break
SCEC California Velocity Model Development Plans
- 14:45 SCEC Geoinformatics Proposal Overview (T. Jordan)
- 15:00 Background model improvements
- 15:15 Basin Model improvements
- 15:30 Geotechnical Layer improvements
- 15:45 Discussion and Next Steps (T. Jordan/G. Beroza)
- 16:00 Adjourn