Broadband Validation Events

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The broadband platform provides three primary codebases for seismogram synthesis:

  • URS
  • UCSB
  • UDSU

Three validation events are provided in the Broadband Platform:

  • Northridge
  • Landers
  • Loma Prieta

Each of these events will be tested for each codebase. Although the platform allows codebases to be mixed and matched for low-frequency seismogram synthesis, high-frequency seismogram synthesis, and site response, validation events will be simulated with only a single codebase for now. Thus, there are nine unique simulation possibilities:

  • Northridge with URS
  • Northridge with UCSB
  • Northridge with SDSU
  • Landers with URS
  • Landers with UCSB
  • Landers with SDSU
  • Loma Prieta with URS
  • Loma Prieta with UCSB
  • Loma Prieta with SDSU

These nine simulations will be run on both and USC HPCC, and the results will be compared for accuracy.

Run Commands

The validation simulations were run using the standard start script. The following lists the run commands used with each codebase:

URS Simulations:

/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/nr_options_urs.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/nr_urs_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/lp_options_urs.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/lp_urs_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/la_options_urs.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/la_urs_validation.log

UCSB Simulations:

/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/nr_options_ucsb.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/nr_ucsb_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/lp_options_ucsb.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/lp_ucsb_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/la_options_ucsb.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/la_ucsb_validation.log

SDSU Simulations:

/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/nr_options_sdsu.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/nr_sdsu_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/lp_options_sdsu.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/lp_sdsu_validation.log
/home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/comps/ -o /home/broadband-01/patrices/study/validation/la_options_sdsu.txt -l /home/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/logs/la_sdsu_validation.log

Where the option .txt files are provided here: versus HPCC cluster

Codebase Northridge Landers Loma Prieta
URS Complete Complete Complete
UCSB Complete Failure (Python Exception 1) Failure (Python Exception 2)
SDSU Failure (Python Exception 5) Failure (Python Exception 3) Failure (Python Exception 4)


Codebase Northridge Landers Loma Prieta
URS Complete Complete Complete
UCSB Complete Failure (Python Exception 1) Failure (Python Exception 2)
SDSU Failure (Python Exception 5) Failure (Python Exception 3) Failure (Python Exception 4)

Match Broadband vs HPCC:

Codebase Northridge Landers Lome Prieta
URS Identical Identical Identical
UCSB Differ ( Failure Failure
SDSU Failure Failure Failure

Python Exceptions / Errors:

  1. IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/tmpdata/4255795/luc.3comp'
  2. IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/tmpdata/4255790/lgpc.3comp'
  3. IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/indata/4255183/stations.dat'
  4. IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/indata/4255178/stations.dat'
  5. IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/export/broadband-01/patrices/11.2.2/bbp_2g/indata/4252651/stations_kappa.dat'