Sandarsh Kumar

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Here is a list of SCEC Computational Science projects I have worked on.


Broadband_Platform Update: Release a new version of Broadband Platform (Current Task)

  • Integrate new Goodness-of-fit module - MOGof (SDSU)
  • Integrate new Site Response Module - Site1d (GATech)
  • Streamline build and deployment by adding configure/make/make -install options to distribution.

Broadband_Platform Update: Integrate SDSU - Mayhew-Olsen Goodness_of_Fit Module (MOGof) (Current Task)

  • Built and evaluated MOGof scientific code on SCEC development server.
  • Created MOGof Python wrapper to encapsulate the scientific code to prepare for integration with Broadband platform.
  • Completed initial integrated MOGof Python wrapper into Broadband platform
  • Added MOGof module as a selectable option if user chooses Validation work flow.
  • Wrote unit tests to verify the MOGof Python module.

- Current Tasks

  • Optimize MOGof scientific code to facilitate selection of individual GOF metrics for calculation.
  • Adapt MOGof scientific code to support different seismogram length, sampling rate etc.
  • Write unit and acceptance tests to test updated scientific code and platform integration

Broadband_Platform Versions 11.1 & 11.2 Beta Testing and Validation


- GoF Map Plotter : A standalone tool to plot Goodness of Fit values on a map similar to the ones illustrated in Mayhew-Olsen Goodness-of-fit paper.


Broadband Platform Update: Added Georgia Tech Site Response Module (Site1d)

  • Built and evaluated Site1d scientific code on SCEC development server.
  • Created Site1d Python wrapper to encapsulate the scientific code to prepare for integration with Broadband platform.
  • Integrated Site1d Python wrapper into Broadband platform and made it available as an option in the list of Site Response modules.
  • Wrote unit tests to verify the Site1d Python module.

ShakeOut 2010, CME Response

  • Worked with SCEC IT team and SCEC Admin to facilitate event response.
  • Worked with SCEC Admin to setup wall display to monitor post event response from external sources in real time.
  • Worked with SCEC IT Director to assess SCEC IT infrastructure availability post event.
  • Worked with SCEC IT team to collect and disseminate scientific simulation data through SCEC Wiki site and SCEC Response site

M8 EEW Analysis

Calculated M8 Scenario earthquake travel times to CISN EEW stations.


  • Created a software package to produce animations of structural motion after significant earthquake to aid in identification of damage to structural elements.
  • This package can also be used to effectively visualize performance of proposed building models to simulated earthquakes.

Modeling Group - Event Response Plan

  • CISN Display Evaluation and Setup for Wall Display
  • ShakeCast RSS Reader Evaluation and Customization
  • SRF generation with BroadBand Platform using extended source description

CVM Evaluation

Validated CVM-H acceptance test framework by:

  • Manually running individual validation steps by staging the framework on Kraken - a TeraGrid resource.
  • CruiseControl was setup on a community account on AfterShock - a SCEC development server.
  • A specific user's TeraGrid credential was linked to this account.
  • CruiseControl was configured to run a build and test the automated acceptance test framework on Kraken.

CyberShake Data Web Service - SRF Retrieval

  • Created a web service to retrieve SRF files from the CyberShake database.
  • Provides Cybershake data to SCEC-VDO's Standard Rupture Format (SRF) Browser plugin.