UCVM Plotting on Discovery
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Create Plot using Website - 1D Vertical Profile
Create 1D vertical profile for location in LA Basin (CSU Dominquez Hills):
- 33.8628
- -118.2525
- 0-10k
- 100m
Create Plot using Website:
- point browser to http://moho.scec.org/UCVM_web/web/viewer.php
- select "1D Vertical Profile"
- enter 33.8628 for Latitude
- enter -118.2525 for Longitude
- enter 0 for Z start
- enter 10000 for Z ends
- enter 100 for Z step
Configure Xwindows on Discovery
Setting up Plotting Environment for the first time
make sure UCVM_INSTALL_PATH is set and has a working UCVM installation
%ucvm_query -H
create a conda environment
%conda create -n ucvmPlotting python=2.7.15 scipy pip numpy matplotlib basemap basemap-data-hires
setup conda environment with ucvm_plotting, just need to do this once
%conda activate ucvmPlotting %cd $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH/conf %source ucvm_env.sh %cd $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH %git clone https://github.com/SCECcode/ucvm_plotting.git %cd ucvm_plotting %./unpack-dist %./ucvm_plotting/run_depth.sh %conda deactivate
you should see the new ucvmPlotting
%conda env list
to run ucvmPlotting tests on worker node
%salloc --ntasks=1 --time=02:00:00 %conda activate ucvmPlotting %cd $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH/ucvm_plotting %cd examples %./run-tests %conda deactivate %exit
Create Plot using Discovery
Assuiming plotting has been setup for your account, you can startup the plotting environment,
- %conda env list
- %conda activate ucvmPlotting
generate plot in either head or worker node
%conda activate ucvmPlotting %plot_horizontal_slice.py -b 33.35,-118 -u 34.35,-117 -e 1000 -d vs -c cvmh -a s -s 0.01 -o horizontal.png %conda deactivate
to view any of the png files with view_png.py, you have to be on the head node and in uvcmPlotting conda environment
at head node,
%conda activate ucvmPlotting %view_png.py -f horizontal.png %conda deactivate